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사랑 조회수 : 742
작성일 : 2016-10-17 21:41:25
lavandula hybrid oil 이 뭔지 혹시 아시나요?
라벤더오일 잡종이라고 나오는데,
이 라반딘유는 진짜 라벤더오일보다 더 저렴한건가요?
세제에 예전에는 라벤더오일이 들어갔던것 같은데 생소한 라반딘유 함량이 있어서요.
IP : 218.39.xxx.17
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ..
    '16.10.17 9:52 PM (1.238.xxx.123)

    Lavender and lavandin - what is the difference

    Most people can identify lavender at a glance; with its tall flower spikes in purple hues and delicate evocative scent, it's been a popular garden plant for centuries.

    There's another variety of lavender which is less well-known but still produces a high-quality essential oil and that's lavandin, or lavandula x intermedia to give this hybrid its full name. At Lavender Fields we farm the Grosso variety which, when distilled, produces the distinctive aromatic lavandin oil.

    So if they're both varieties of lavender and both produce essential oil, what makes them so different?

    Visual variation

    Lavandin is often larger than lavender and has longer, more pointed flower spikes. It tends to flower later than its highly celebrated cousin.

    Essential oils

    Lavandin plants produce around half as much again more oil than lavender plants. Although there are many similarities between the oils, they have different chemical compositions. Lavandin oil contains between 7-12% camphor, making it more powerful and uplifting than lavender oil and therefore great for colds. It can also act as a mild stimulant.

  • 2. ...
    '16.10.17 10:09 PM (58.234.xxx.89) - 삭제된댓글

    트루라벤더 스파이크라벤더
    생산량이 많아 저렴해요.

  • 3. ...
    '16.10.17 10:12 PM (58.234.xxx.89) - 삭제된댓글

    트루라벤더랑 스파이크라벤더를 섞은거
    수확이 잘 돼 저렴.
    세제에 들어가는 거면 라반딘이 적절하겟네요

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