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북한의 인공위성은 미사일이다

무식한 농부 조회수 : 1,225
작성일 : 2016-02-09 22:17:41




국정원이나 남쪽 언론은 북한의 인공위성이 미사일이라고 얘기하쥬?

그럴 수 있다고 봐유.



미국도 북한이 광명성 로켓을 이용하여 지상 500km 상공에 올린, 지구 궤도를 돌아가는 물체가 지구관측이나 통신 등을 이용하기 위한 물체인지 아니면 핵폭탄이나 핵탄두가 탑재된 물체인지 모르니까 간 떨리겠쥬.



지가 가방끈이 짧아서 아래 영문 내용을 제대로 알 수 없습니다만 아마도 북한이 지구궤도에 올려서 궤도를 돌아가게 하는 물체의 실체에 대한 의구심의 일단을 얘기하는 것이 아닐까 생각이 되네유.



즉 북한이 지구궤도에 올린 물체가 위성 목적이 아니라 EMP나 FOBS(부분궤도 폭격체계)가 될 수 있다는 얘기겠쥬.



이러니 미국이나 미국님을 주님으로 모시는 국정원이나 웰매나 간이 떨리겠슈.






'Test' launch could turn out to be actual nuclear onslaught

WASHINGTON – North Korea is preparing to launch a satellite capable of detonating a nuclear weapon more than 100 miles over the United States, creating an electromagnetic pulse that could destroy America’s electrical grid system, a former director of the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative said in a new report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Former Ambassador Henry Cooper – who was President Ronald Reagan’s chief representative in the “Star Wars” initiative negotiations with the Soviet Union and SDI director under President George H.W. Bush – said North Korea is preparing its Sohae satellite complex for a launch on a southern trajectory, which is said to be a test.

Cooper told G2 Bulletin the United States lacks sufficient anti-ballistic missile defenses in the southern part of the U.S., especially if the satellite turns out to be a nuclear device that could orbit above the U.S. and explode at a high altitude, affecting the lives of all Americans.

He said it would be difficult to distinguish a test from an actual attack, and the best way to counter such a threat to the U.S. homeland is to knock out the missile at the time it begins its trajectory over a southern polar route. But he acknowledged such an action would be politically unpalatable.

However, if the North Korean satellite turned out to be a nuclear device and is detonated over 100 miles above the U.S, it could destroy all life-sustaining critical infrastructures that rely on the national grid, potentially leading to the death of most Americans within the following year.

All grid-dependent systems could suffer, including food- and water-supply chains, fuel-supply systems, communications, banking and finance.

“It’s long past time to counter this threat,” Cooper said.

Ignoring the threat

The North Koreans have been continuously upgrading the Sohae launch complex to handle larger, longer-range rockets with heavier payloads, Cooper pointed out.

He disputes the contention of most experts that Pyongyang is still years away from a credible intercontinental ballistic missile capability that could threaten the U.S. mainland.

He said “these experts usually ignore the threat from a nuclear weapon carried on a satellite – a capability demonstrated more than three years ago,” when North Korea first succeeded in launching an ICBM in December 2012.

At that launch, Pyongyang successfully orbited a satellite assessed to be large enough to contain a nuclear weapon.

He said the Japanese Ministry of Defense already has ordered its military to be prepared to destroy any missile fired by North Korea that poses a threat to Japan.

He said U.S. leaders could do the same to protect Americans from an “already demonstrated de facto North Korean Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS) first developed by the Soviets during the early days of the Cold War.”

“The resulting attack from the south could create an EMP that would shut down the electric grid indefinitely – potentially leading to the death of most Americans with a year,” Cooper said.

North Korean preparations to conduct an ICBM test come three weeks after Pyongyang announced it had conducted an underground hydrogen bomb test.


IP : 175.203.xxx.106
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