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미 브라운대 성폭행 통계

조회수 : 1,254
작성일 : 2015-09-23 06:58:30
미국 대학들은 학내 성폭행 문제에 대해 한국 대학들보다는 일찍부터 고민하고 대응책을 가다듬어 왔습니다. 그럼에도 조사 결과는 실망스런 수준이네요.

The results of the survey show that, since starting college, 25% of Brown undergraduate women and 6.8% of undergraduate men who participated in the survey experienced either unwanted sexual touching or attempted or completed penetration due to physical force or incapacitation. Specifically, for attempted or completed penetration since starting college, the figure was 10.1% for undergraduate women and 2.7% for undergraduate men. These figures compare to 10.8% for undergraduate women and 2.2% for undergraduate men from the aggregated data for all 27 participating universities.

When focusing on seniors, whose reports encompass nearly all of their time at Brown, 33% of women and 8% of men reported unwanted sexual touching or attempted or completed penetration due to physical force or incapacitation since starting college. For attempted or completed penetration since starting college, the figure was 13.4% for senior women. This compares to 13.5% for senior women from the aggregated data for all 27 participating institutions.

Other important findings are that TGQN (trans, genderqueer or nonconforming or questioning) undergraduates reported rates of sexual assault that were similar to those for undergraduate women, and that 8.0% of female graduate and medical students reported unwanted sexual touching or attempted or completed penetration since starting at Brown.

These numbers are sobering, but equally troubling is that the majority of students who reported sexual assault by force on the survey did not report the incident to the University (60.5%). An estimated 70.5% of those who did not report they had been victimized thought the incident was not serious enough to report, and 47.9% thought that a report would not be taken seriously. This finding indicates a lack of trust that we have been working to overcome.

자세한 내용은 여기에.  http://www.brown.edu/web/documents/climatesurvey/Brown_U_Climate_Survey_Repor...

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