아메리칸 이글 팬티가 필요해서 처음으로 직구햇습니다
그런데 이런 메일이 왔어요
미국으로 직접 전화해야 하나요??
영어를 잘 못합니다 어떻게 해야하나요...도와주세요~
Thank you for your recent order.
To enhance security, your order was pulled for additional verification.
The name, billing address or phone number supplied was not a complete
match with the information your credit card company has on file.
For your protection this order was not allowed to process further.
In order for your order to be processed, please call us at
1-866-338-2389 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
Thanks for being a part of the American Eagle brand and we're sorry for
any inconvenience.
Thank you,
Customer Relations