드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
영작확인좀 부탁드릴께요..급해서요..
1. 아줌마입니다
'14.12.9 1:16 PM (203.244.xxx.14)잘 쓰셨네요. 일단 앞부분:
I visited the headquarters in Seoul and had a meeting with associate manager to discuss technical issues. But we have no detailed information. The service will be provided on 24th, a week earlier than originally planned. Currently, we feel anxious about whether everything will go well by 24th. Your prompt reply is requested as below:2. 아줌마입니다
'14.12.9 1:23 PM (203.244.xxx.14)나머지는...
1.Each equipment size and electric capacity for kitchen with photos.
2.The photos of furniture already delivered.
The due date is coming for furniture delivery (due date: Dec 18th). Please, proceed as fast as possible and update us with more information on current status. I hope everything will come out all right!
고칠게거의 없네요.
짝짝짝 잘하셨어요!!3. 성격은곧신념
'14.12.9 1:23 PM (207.216.xxx.8)윗분 ... 닉네임을 '능력자'입니다로 고쳐주세요...^^
덕분에 배우고 갑니다..^^4. 아줌마입니다
'14.12.9 1:25 PM (203.244.xxx.14)The photos of furniture to be delivered -> 요롷게 고치셔야 할듯. 제가 한글은 안보고 영어만보고 고쳐서요.
5. rudal77
'14.12.9 2:14 PM (180.233.xxx.139)급해서 메일먼저 쓰고왔어요..
윗분 넘넘 감사드려요..
저도 공부열심히 해서 다른분들 도와드리고 싶네요.
정말 감사합니다.
저한텐 너무 큰도움이 되었네요.
띄어쓰기도 안된지 몰랐어요..ㅜㅜ6. 타임버드
'14.12.9 4:02 PM (125.139.xxx.247)gggggggg