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미영주권 있는 엄마가 한국에서 출산하면

출산 조회수 : 1,726
작성일 : 2014-12-09 09:25:16
아이는 미시민권이나 영주권 취득이 자동으로
안되는 건가요?
IP : 110.11.xxx.118
5 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ...
    '14.12.9 9:29 AM (220.117.xxx.57)

    영주권은 한국 국민이니까 미시민권 못받아요

  • 2. 그럼
    '14.12.9 9:36 AM (110.11.xxx.118)

    엄마가 나중에 미국 들어가면 아이는 영주권 수속을
    따로 해야 하는거구요..아이 영주권 취득까지 시간 오래

  • 3. 가능
    '14.12.9 11:34 AM (70.58.xxx.184)

    엄마가 미국으로 처음 다시 들어올 때 같이 데리고 오셔야 되고 아이가 두살이 되기 전이면 미국에 처음 들어오는 순간 아이에게 영주권 준대요. 아빠가 데려와도 안 되고 엄마가 아이 없이 미국에 먼저 들어와도 안 됩니다.

  • 4. 이민 비자 관련 싸이트에 나와있네요
    '14.12.9 1:13 PM (50.166.xxx.199)

    - 부모가 시민권자이거나 시민권을 따게 되면 18세 이하의 자녀들은 자동으로 시민권 취득
    - 부모가 영주권자일 경우 시민권의 자동취득은 없으나 몇가지 조건이 맞을 경우 영주권 자동 취득은 가능. 그 조건은 윗님 말씀대로 부모가 아이를 낳고 '처음' 미국으로 돌아갈 때에 반드시 '아이와 엄마가 함께' 가야 하며, 그 돌아가는 시기는 아이가 '만 두살이 되기 전' 까지만 해당됨.
    아래는 영주권자의 해외출산 시 아기의 영주권 취득 관련 상담 글입니다.

    If the a child is born to LPR parents during a temporary visit abroad, as long as the child returns to the US with the mother during her first trip back to the US and before the child turns 2, the child automatically becomes a legal permanent resident on entry. The Customs officer will put an I-551 stamp in the child’s passport as temporary evidence of your child’s status as an LPR. Your child should receive the green card in the mail after entry.
    When you travel, make sure you carry with you the child’s birth certificate naming both parents as his/her parents and any other evidence that shows relationship (medical/hospital records, ultrasound, etc.). You will be taken to secondary inspection.
    You can ask the Consulate in India to provide a letter for you explaining the provisions, in case you are questioned at the airport in India or you are dealing with a Customs officer in the US who is unfamiliar with the provision. If they will not provide a letter, print out the instructions from the US Consulate and carry it with you. It would also be a good idea to speak with the airline beforehand to make sure you won’t have any issues at the airport.
    It is important that the child returns before his/her 2nd birthday and MUST return to the US on the mother’s first trip into the US. The mother cannot come back to the US without the child on her first trip or this process will be negated and then you will have to file an I-130 for the child, and this could take years.
    If the green card doesn't come in the mail within 1-2 months after entry, make an InfoPass appointment at a local USCIS office to follow-up. Regardless, the stamp in the passport will be valid for up to 1 year. Also, remember to apply for a social security number for your child after the entry.
    If and when one of you becomes a US citizen, as long as the child is under 18, the child will automatically become a US citizen. You will need to file an N-600 for your child so he or she can obtain a Certificate of Citizenship.

  • 5. 윗분
    '14.12.9 6:34 PM (110.11.xxx.118)

    댓글 정말 감사드려요..꿀같은 정보네요..

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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