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영문 이력서 수정 부탁드려요.

김떡순 조회수 : 686
작성일 : 2014-10-01 02:04:35

영문 이력서에 커버레터까지는 아니고 간단한 소개 줄 부분이예요.

좀 매끄럽게 수정 가능할까요???


Professional within the financial area with 8 years’ experience, of which 7 years, as auditor in a BIG SIX, used to work under pressure with high problem-solving ability, planning projects and team management. Dynamic, flexible and responsible. Great analytical and interpersonal skills, comfortable with meeting dead‐lines and result oriented. With experience in multinational environments.


이 부분은 최근까지 일했던 회사에서 한 일 간략하게 정리한 부분이예요.


From start in the firm as a junior, I have developed all kinds of functions to the present where I am team leader from the past 6 years in various verification projects, as well as several of the projects assume the duties of manager in recent 4 years, in institutions in sectors such as catering, finance, construction, logistics, industrial, or technological, performances audit of financial statements, limited reviews, financial consolidation and group audits, auditors reportings of related entities, reporting covenants, review reports SOX compliance and internal control, agreed procedures, due diligence and other specific work as part of the corporate finance team.



정말 감사드려요!

IP : 83.32.xxx.198
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. baraemi
    '14.10.1 2:26 AM (27.35.xxx.143)

    여기에 공짜로 도움 요청하는것보단 그냥 이력서랑 다같이해서 첨삭맡기시는게 좋을것같아요~ 그냥 영작도 아니고 커버레터인데 살짝만봐도 고칠곳이 많이보여서... 영문이력서 중요한곳이면 더더욱 전문첨삭이 좋을듯해요!

  • 2. Heavenly1
    '14.10.1 3:29 AM (158.184.xxx.4)

    Professional working experience in the financial field for over 8 years. As an auditor in a BIG SIX firm, I am well used to work under pressure with a high degree of problem-solving ability, project planning and team management. Dynamic (?? 개인에게 별로 적합하지 않은 용어설정 - ), flexible and responsible (or responsive). Excellent analytical and interpersonal skills, comfortable with meeting deadlines and result oriented. Well experienced in multinational environments.

    다음 문장은 손볼 곳이 너무많고 뜻이 잘 전달되지 않아 패스 - 전문가의 도움 필요하네요

  • 3. 영문이력서
    '14.10.1 4:40 AM (153.120.xxx.137)

    검토해주는 업체 많아요. 정말 제대로 봐주는 곳에 하세욪

  • 4. 감사
    '14.10.1 12:24 PM (81.45.xxx.250)

    덧글 주신분들 감사드려요. 전문업체에 의뢰해보겠습니다^-^

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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