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감기야절로가 조회수 : 1,557
작성일 : 2014-02-21 16:58:35
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  • 1. 감기야절로가
    '14.2.21 4:59 PM (58.237.xxx.11)


    참조는 http://blog.naver.com/creatives07/70185382781

  • 2. 아래
    '14.2.21 5:01 PM (59.187.xxx.56)

    글에 자세한 방법 있습니다.

  • 3. 펌.
    '14.2.21 5:04 PM (58.237.xxx.11)

    제가 진짜 이런 글 안 쓰는데 제발 전체 공개로 퍼가주세요 (isu 항의) 일상

    2014/02/21 08:07

    복사 http://blog.naver.com/creatives07/70185382781

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    firstname lastname 쓰시고

    학생들은 company에 none이라고 쓰시고 직장인들은 본인 회사 쓰세요

    그 밑에 이메일, 전화번호 쓰시고 topic에서 figure skating 선택하세요

    그리고 밑에 메세지란에

    The following public figures' twit will give you a good gist of what happened:

    Katarina Witt (German Figure Skater) "Shame Gold Medal, Yuna Kim is a real queen"

    Bill Plaschke (American Sports Journalist) "Kim didn't win...unbelievable...scandal written all over this...Russian Sotnikova wins, fans going crazy, Kim disappears, wrong, wrong"

    Alex Goldberger (Olympics Researcher at NBC) "Adelina Sotnikova was excellent tonight, but Yuna Kim was robbed"

    Terra Findlay (Canadian ice dancer) "I'm speechless. Yuna Kim, you are a queen"

    NBC Olympics (Official Twitter) "Yuna Kim wins Silver. 17 year old Sotnikova wins Gold, and Kostner wins bronze. Do you agree with the results?"

    ESPN Official Website News Article titled "Home Cooking", "Home-Ice Advantage"

    CBC Commentary: "That's a shock...Did you see that coming" (of Sotnikova winning) "Well I think I saw a medal coming, I'm just not sure we thought it was going to be that one" "As caught up in the moment as I was... I'm still stuck on quality of skating that Yuna Kim has, and the moments where you see jarring images during Sotnikova that she's not ready yet ...The judges have their job and I really look forward to looking at it again so I can see it with fresh eyes but yes I am sitting here a little stunned"

    New York Times: "Comparing the Jumps of Sotnikova and Yu-na" included rating of Sotnikova's Triple Flip and Double axel as "Poor" in the free program and Yu-na's ratings consisted of Good only.


    As you can probably tell, the world was keeping an eye on Yuna Kim who has set a World Record for the history of Women's Figure Skating, to defend her gold medalist title this Sochi Olympic 2014. The free skating event took place this morning and nobody denies the fact the Sotnikova did present to her potential. She did an amazing job and showed amazing performance. The one mistake she made was the stumbling after one of her jumps which was - although small - quite visible even to the public who do not know professional knowledge of figure skating. Nevertheless, she achieved her best score of 149.95 which was 0.11 away from Yu-na Kim's world record of 150.06 at the Vancouver Olympics. This comparison illustrates the home advantage already although I do admit that rules have changed since then but we are talking of quality of programme here.

    Next up was Yuna Kim, she skated and her performance can be shown through what the CBC commenters said "this woman has no equal". She did show tiny unstable landing in one of her jumps, but relative to the stumble shown by Sotnikova, it was not as visible and she carried on with superb acting performance. "If you were to write a textbook, that would be how to do it", "Nobody compares to the flow she takes as she jumps and on the landings, nobody" (CBC)

    Even the night before in the short programme, an evaluation sheet from the judges were made public which showed 0 in one of Yuna's jumps - in the short program where she made no mistakes at all which already shocked the Korean people. As well as the fact that they put 4 Russian people as judges out of the 14, makes all the sense. But the score in the free program has added on to the unfairness of what's supposed to be the fairest of all competitions - the Olympics. The corruption needs to be made visible and needs to be corrected.

    The above quotes are chosen because they are stated by well-known figures, however, the rest of the public is demanding justice. But of course, we, as just citizens, know that our voice is weak and we may not have a chance to change anything. But this is crucial. And this petition may help towards bringing fairness back into the Olympics that showed so much corruption ironically. Yuna does not care about the medal since Gold was not in her utmost desires but it is the unfairness being observed by EVERYONE in the world except Russia. They need to acknowledge that yes, Sotnikova wrote the history in Russia but HISTORY IS FULL OF BIAS THAT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED. This is NOT for Yuna Kim, this is for the FAIR SPORTSMANSHIP THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE CENTRAL TO THE WORLD EVENT OF THE OLYMPICS.

    이거 복사해서 쓰시고 submit 눌러 주세요

    과연 대한민국 국민들이 얼마나 많이 항의를 보내서 재심사를 할지는 모르겠지만 일단 할 수 있는 건 해봅시다.

    김연아 선수의 몫이 열심히, 최선을 다 해 완벽한 연기를 보여 주는 것이었다면 우리의 몫은 그런 김연아 선수를 든든히 뒤에서 서포트 해 주고 보다 깨끗한 심사를 통해 그녀의 진정한 실력을 두둔해 주는 것입니다.

    저는 피쳐폰이라 이렇게 블로그에밖에 못 올리지만, 다른 분들은 부디 카스나 페북이나 트위터에도 남겨 주세요. 최대한 많은 사람들이 이 글을 봐야만합니다.

    과거 2002년도에도 러시아의 편파 판정에 미국인들이 항의하여 재심한 일이 있다고 합니다.

    미국은 국력이 강하니까 가능한 일, 우리같이 약한 나라는 못 한다. 이런 말씀, 생각 하시지 마시고 부디 실낱같은 희망이라도 가져봅시다. 이런 건 모두 편견일뿐입니다. 진정으로 결과에 승복하지 못 하고 김연아 선수를 사랑하며 자랑스러워 한다면 동참해 주세요.

    (위 글은 외국 분께서 올리신 김연아 선수에 대한 항소문을 퍼온 것입니다. 외신 반응이라던지 가장 자세하고 정확하게 설명되어 있는 것 같아 부득이하게 메세지를 빌립니다.)


    이 글의 원본입니다. 들어가서 오른쪽 sign up 란에 서명 동참해 주세요. 맨마지막 칸은 비워도 되는 칸입니다. 서명 인원이 채워지면 저 분께서 직접 항소문을 내 주신답니다. 현재 약 2500명 가량 필요합니다.

    ++)모두들 검색창에 isu 항의라고 쳐보는 게 어떨까요? 최대한 많은 분들이 이 사실을 알아야 하고 한 컴퓨터당 검색은 한 번밖에 인정이 안 되니 모두가 힘을 합쳐야 합니다.

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    82-10-1234-4869로 국제번호 포함해서 표기해 주세요!

  • 4. ..
    '14.2.21 10:03 PM (122.36.xxx.75)

    기사보니 ISU에서 이의 들어와야 조사가능하지 그렇지않고선 못한다고봤습니다

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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