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이상한 영문메일이 왔는데 그냥 무시해도 되는건가요? 봐주세요.

.... 조회수 : 1,090
작성일 : 2013-12-12 11:12:06

중요메일로 표시하기 Your Abandoned Consignment in O'Hare International Airport Chicago 새창으로 메일 보기

받은날짜 :13-12-12 (목) 07:34

받는사람/참조 접기/펴기 보낸사람: Your Abandoned Consignment<alexpterrwhite@gmail.com> 중요주소로 표시하기 Your Abandoned Consignment<alexpterrwhite@gmail.com> 주소록에 추가 | 수신차단하기받는사람: (받는이없음)<>


I am Mr. Alex Peter White from the Office of Inspection Unit/United Nations Agency in O'Hare International Airport Chicago Illinois USA. During my recent routine check at the Airport Storage/vault on withheld packages, I discovered an abandoned shipment from a Diplomat from London and Africa, when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in two Metal Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 25kg each and some people are coming after this consignment to clam it in your name. .

The consignment was abandoned because the Contents was not properly declared by the consignee as “MONEY” rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the INTERNATIONAL CONSIGNMENT MONEY MOVEMENT Charges Before bringing in the consignment into US and we refused to return back the consignment where it came from since, we have already received it USA.

On my assumption, each of the box contain not less than $5 Million to $5.5Million and the consignment is still left in our Storage House here at the O'Hare International Airport Chicago USA till date. The details of the consignment including your name, your email address and the official document from the United Nations office in Geneva are tagged on the Metal Trunk boxes in your favor.

But to enable me confirm if you are the actual recipient of this consignment, I will advise you to provide your current Phone Number and Full Address to enable me cross check if it corresponds with the address on the official documents including the Name of the nearest Airport around your city.

Please note that this consignment is supposed to have been returned to the United States Treasury Department as unclaimed delivery due to the delay in concluding the clearance processes. Therefore you are advice to respond to this message and call me immediately as you read. Once I receive your above requested information I can get everything concluded within 3-6 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery.
Below is my direct telephone number, I am always out of office for inspection, so if I am unable to pick your call you should know that I have gone for inspection just email me and make sure you include your mobile number so that I can give you a call.

Mr. Alex Peter White
Office of Inspection
O'Hare International Airport Chicago Illinois USA.
Tel #: (312) -620-9713

IP : 114.207.xxx.153
8 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ㅡㅡ
    '13.12.12 11:15 AM (175.195.xxx.221)

    저거 다 사기..........

  • 2. ..
    '13.12.12 11:15 AM (114.207.xxx.153)

    띠용...이게 뭔소리래요????

  • 3. 길버트강
    '13.12.12 11:16 AM (118.131.xxx.234)

    미국 공항에 돈이 가득든 가방 있는데, 당신꺼 같으면 연락처 달라는 이야긴데요.
    전화주면 확인해보고 보내주겠다 합니다.
    가방 두개인데 한대당 5백만불 정도 든 것 같다고 하네요. ㅎㅎㅎ.

    아시죠? 피싱메일인거 ㅋㅋ

  • 4. ...
    '13.12.12 11:17 AM (114.207.xxx.153)

    첫댓글 보고 순간 움찔했어요 ㅠㅠ

  • 5. 남아프리카 공화국에서도
    '13.12.12 11:23 AM (68.36.xxx.177)

    백만불이 갑자기 생겼는데 나눠주고 싶다며 신상정보 달라고 ㅎㅎ

  • 6. ㅎㅎㅎ
    '13.12.12 11:42 AM (61.73.xxx.117)

    피싱이 좀 더 다양해지긴 했군요.

    전에는 금광이 있는데 투자를 하라는둥 남편이 죽었는데 재산이 어쩌고저쩌고...

    그런데 그거 낚인 사람들도 있다는 거...--"

    모르는 데서 쓸데없이 저리 긴메일이 오면 그냥 삭제해주세요.

  • 7. ...
    '13.12.12 12:33 PM (222.237.xxx.185)

    전 해마다 아랍에미레이트에서 연락이 옵니다..

    나와 같은 성을 가진 분이 돌아가셨고 자신이 그 재산 관리자라고......

    내가 연락 안 하면 자기 상사가 그 재산을 다 몰수할 것이니

    둘이서 나눠 갖자고....

    참 좋은 생각입니다만....^^

  • 8. 재미있는 사실은
    '13.12.12 12:55 PM (39.7.xxx.15)

    이런 피싱은 영문메일을 충분히 이해할 수 있는 고학력, 식자층이래요. 똑똑한 줄 알았던 교수 뭐 이런 사람들이 세상일에는 순진해서요. 저도 나이지리아발 메일 받고 크게 웃어 줬습니다.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
댓글입력 작성자 :


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