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cnn 뉴스해석인데요~ 능력자분들 알려주세요~

영어 조회수 : 868
작성일 : 2012-11-16 11:41:00



ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN Anchor: Well, the pink dolphin is very rare and exists only in a few pockets around the world, and like many species, it’s suffering from human activity. CNN’s Kristie Lu Stout went on a search for the elusive animal for this week’s Eco Solutions.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN Correspondent: Scientists call them the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin.★ [They aren’t just found here in southern China, but as far afield as South Africa, and even the western Pacific.] But only the ones here in the Pearl River Delta are pink.


SAMUEL HUNG, Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society: We’re not quite sure why they’re pink in color. When they’re dead, they become white in color. So we think that the pink color may be sort of a blushing effect that... that’s how they regulate their internal heat.


STOUT: We set off to an area behind Hong Kong’s busy international airport, which was built in dolphin habitat. As the anticipation builds, our guide says that declining populations has made her job harder.


JANET WALKER, Hong Kong Dolphin Watch: The great, amazing sightings that we used to have fairly regularly are fewer and further between. And we probably would see three to five dolphins in an average day, whereas we probably would have seen six to eight 10 years ago.


STOUT: But then, a sighting, followed by many more. Dolphins are very social creatures, usually traveling in a small group. ★[Here, they’re often found near fishing boats trying to feed off some of the catch.]★ [The sightings are breathtaking.] These dolphins are gray when they’re born and they gradually become pink as they mature.★ [It has been a successful outing], but the threats to these dolphins are very real.


WALKER: We’ve just sailed through a narrow channel here, but this was the ocean 15, 20 years ago. So you’re destroying fishing grounds and dolphin territory. Pollution, obviously, is a main thing. We treat ★very little of our sewage in Hong Kong. We dump about 400,000 cubic meters every day into the harbor. That’s about 4,000 truckloads.


STOUT: Plans for another airport runway and a new bridge connecting mainland China and Macau could further impact the dolphins according to conservationists. The government, however, says the plans were approved after it passed the required environmental impact assessment. Even the busy sea traffic leaves hefty scars on these creatures.

Kristie Lu Stout, CNN, Hong Kong.


문맥이 중요해서 전문을 넣었어요~

★They aren’t just found here in southern China, but as far afield as South Africa, and even the western Pacific.


그들은(분홍돌고래를 지칭합니다) 여기 중국남부지역에서는 발견되지 않는데

but이하 부분이 해석이 어떻게해야 자연스러울까요?

그러나  남아프리카 심지어 태평양서쪽 만큼 먼 중국 이렇게 중국을 설명하는건가요?


★Here, they’re often found near fishing boats trying to feed off some of the catch.

여기서 그들은 종종 낚시보트근처에서 발견된다. trying이하요~ catch를 물고기로 봐야하나요?? 물고기에게 먹이주려고 애쓰는 보트라고 보는게 맞을까요?  아니면 분홍돌고래에게 먹이주려고 애쓴다고 봐야하나요??

★The sightings are breathtaking. 바로뒤에 그장면이 아슬아슬하다로 봐서 돌고래로 봐야하나요??

★It has been a successful outing 이부분 해석이 앞지문에 입각해보면 그것은 성공적인 출산이다 이렇게 문맥상봐야하나요??


★ very little는 거의 없는보다는 아주 작은으로 봐야할까요??



IP : 211.105.xxx.188
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ...
    '12.11.16 12:03 PM (99.227.xxx.227)

    그돌핀들은 중국 남부 뿐 아니라 멀리떨어진 아프리카 남부 심지에 서부 태평양에서도 발견된다.
    그들은 어선주변에서 어선이 잡은 생선 즉 먹이를 먹으려 하는 모습들이 목격되곤 한다.
    그 장면들은 정말 숨이 멈출만큼 장관이다.

    우리는 홍콩에서 오수처리를 거의 하지 않는다.

  • 2. -----
    '12.11.16 12:09 PM (14.32.xxx.138)

    They aren’t just found here in southern China, but as far afield as South Africa, and even the western Pacific.

    중국남부에서만 발견할 수 있는게 아니고 멀게는 남아프리카와 서부태평양에서까지 발견된다.

    Here, they’re often found near fishing boats trying to feed off some of the catch.
    종종 잡힌 물고기를 (catch) 먹으려고 하는 (돌고래를) 낚시배 근처에서 볼 수 있다. (돌고래가 낚시배에서 잡은 물고기를 먹으려고 한다는 소리)

    The sightings are breathtaking (돌고래가 낚시배 근처에 모여들어 보이는 현상이 숨막힐 정도로 어마어마하다는 뜻)

    It has been a successful outing (이 부분은 아마 돌고래를 보러 보트를 나가서 보는데 (outing) 성공했다는 뜻일 듯. 돌고래 보러 나가서 못 보는 경우도 허다해요)

    We treat ★very little of our sewage in Hong Kong. (홍콩에서는 하수처리를 거의 하지 않는다는 뜻)

  • 3. -----
    '12.11.16 12:26 PM (14.32.xxx.138)

    바로 윗분은 남중국쪽에서는 발견되지 않는다고 했지만 그게 아니고 첫번째, 두번째 댓글처럼 중국남부뿐만 아니라 멀리서도 발견된다는 뜻입니다. (중국 남부에서만 볼 수 있는게 아니라 남아프리카와 서태평양지역에서까지 볼 수 있다.)

  • 4. 영어
    '12.11.16 1:04 PM (211.105.xxx.188)

    아~ not just - but구문을 놓쳤네요 너무 감사합니다..^*^

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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