Harjo 라는 흑인시인의 시인데,
좀 매끄럽게 의역을 해야 하는데 ...
You have devoured me, but I laid myself across the fire.
Harjo 라는 흑인시인의 시인데,
좀 매끄럽게 의역을 해야 하는데 ...
You have devoured me, but I laid myself across the fire.
A Poem to Get Rid of Fear...
I release you,
my beautiful and terrible fear.
I release you.
You are my beloved and hated twin
but now I don’t know you
as myself.
I release you
with all the pain
I would know
at the death
of my children.
You are not my blood
I give you back to the soldiers
who burned down my home
beheaded my children
raped and sodomized my brothers
and sisters.
I give you back to those
who stole the food from our plates
when we were starving.
I release you, fear,
because you were born,
and I was born, with eyes
that can never close.
I release you.
I release you.
I release you.
I am not afraid to be angry
I am not afraid to rejoice
I am not afraid to be hungry
I am not afraid to be full
I am not afraid to be black
I am not afraid to be white
I am not afraid to be hated
I am not afraid to be loved
To be loved
To be loved, fear,
oh, you have choked me
but I gave you the leash.
You have gutted me
but I gave you the knife.
You have devoured me
but I laid myself across the fire.
I take myself back, fear
You are not my shadow any longer.
I won’t hold you in my hands,
in my eyes, my ears, my voice, my belly
or in my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart…
Come here, fear,
I am alive!
and you are so afraid
of dying.
By Joy Harjo
You have devoured me
but I laid myself across the fire.
너희들이 내 살을 쳐먹으라고, 내가 스스로 구워지도록 불 위에 내 몸을 놓는다.
고맙습니다. 번역기 돌려도 이상한 말만 나오구, 구글 번역기론 안되겠더라구요.
그러면 그 윗부분에도
너희들이 내목을 조르라고, 내가 너희에게 채찍을 준다.
너희들이 약탈을 하도록, 내가 너희에게 칼을 준다
라고 해석 해야 되나요?
예 그런식으로 해석해야 될 것 같습니다.
시의 요점이 "너희들이 나를 아무리 억압/핍박하더라도 나는 두렵지 않다"라고 보여서요.
고마워요. 탱자님, 바빠서 이제 들어와 보았네요.
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