아마존에서 신발하나를 주문함.
판매자는 딱 한명. 아마존셀러 아님.
10일 걸려 배대지에 거의 도착. 갑자기 리턴됨. 영문을 알수가 없음.
판매자에게 왜 리턴됐냐 메일보내니 덜렁 더이상 리쉽할수없으니 환불해주겠다 함.
환불처리 메일 옴.
환불 원하는게 아니고 난 신발 받기 원한다.
판매자는 리쉽이 불가능하다고 또 같은메일을 보냄.
난 얼마에 샀는데 지금 가격이 올라 얼마지 않냐.
다시 그 전가격으로 사고 싶다. 메일 보내고 열받아서 아마존에 메일을 씀.
판매자와의 메일내용 첨부하고 도와달라고 함.
그랬더니 이런메일이 왔어요.
I'm so sorry to hear about the problem you had with your order. I understand how disappointed you must be.
I've checked your order #105-7857266-4448229 and found that you placed this order with FootSmart, one of our registered third-party sellers on Amazon Marketplace.
Amazon Marketplace listings are created by sellers other than Amazon.com. When you buy an item at Amazon Marketplace, the individual seller processes and ship your order. When you buy from an Amazon Marketplace or Merchant seller, it's important to note that your order is neither fulfilled nor shipped directly by Amazon.com.
I've forwarded the details you sent us to our investigations team. Each report they receive is investigated and the appropriate action is taken. If you'd like to send more details to this team, please use the form below and choose the "Report a violation of our rules" option:
The Listing ID field is optional. If you don't have that information, please just enter "Not Applicable" when submitting the form.
Anytime you buy from a seller, we encourage you to rate the seller's performance through feedback. You have 90 days from the date of your order to leave a rating and comments on your experience.
For more information and instructions on rating a seller, please visit our Help pages:
To remedy this situation, if you still want the item, as an exception, please place a new order via One-Day shipping with Amazon retailer or order fulfilled by Amazon and write back to us with the order number using the link below. We'll either waive or refund the shipping cost.
같은 물건을 재주문을 하면 돈을 주겠다는건가요????? 차액을 주겠다는건지???
일반업체에 주문을 해도...??
구글번역기 돌렸는데 애매~~~ 해서 여쭤봐요..
아우. 머리아퍼요.. ㅠ.ㅠ