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1. 정치에 입문하게 된 계기는 무엇인가요?
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4. 어떤 사회가 되기를 꿈꾸시나요?
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너무 긴가요? ㅜㅜ 부탁드립니다
1. 러스
'12.9.9 10:38 PM (121.176.xxx.230)저도 잘하는거 아닌데, 아무도 답 안하니 한번 해 봅니다. 제가 헛짓 해 두면 뒤에 누가 또 해 줄거예요...
1. what made you to become a politician?
2. if you are elected as a president, what do you want to change before anything else ?
3. what is the most important thing in your life time ?
4. what is your ideal society ?
5. finally, would you please give some advice to our reader adolescents ?2. 부족하지만...
'12.9.9 10:56 PM (219.254.xxx.119)What was your motivation to become a politician? Why have you served as a politician?
What aeras or policies would you like to reform the most urgently when you are elected?
What is your prioirty in your life?
Please tell me your ideal society. What society do you think ideal? What society would you pursue?
I would appreciate it if you give any advice to teen-agers who are the readers of your interview.3. 부족하지만...
'12.9.9 10:57 PM (219.254.xxx.119)pursue -> pursuie
4. 부족하지만...
'12.9.9 10:58 PM (219.254.xxx.119)aeras -> areas
5. 부족하지만...
'12.9.9 10:59 PM (219.254.xxx.119)I would appreciate it if you give any advice to teen-agers, the readers of your interview.
who are 생략가능