Web "pages" can be seen by millions of users on the Net, an expanding universe of networks that has doubled in size annually for a decade and now spans 150 nations. It's that huge body of potential consumers that has businesses scrambled to get onto the Web, to which 6 million computers are already hooked up.
특히 두번째 문장이 부드럽게 안됩니다. ㅜ.ㅡ자유게시판
드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
독해 예쁘게 해주세요.
1. ~~~~~~~ (영어 쬐꼼만 합니당)
'12.8.10 6:59 PM (61.247.xxx.205)The second sentence which you find "hard to grasp" isn't that difficult indeed.
If you are capable of understanding the first sentence, I think you can understand the second sentence too for yourself.
Anyhow, my "rough" translation is as follows:
웹페이지들은 지난 10년간 크기가 매년 두배씩 증가했고 이제는 150개국에 뻗혀 있는 확장하는 연결망 공간인 인터넷 상에서 수백만의 사용자들에 의해 보여질 수 있다.
기업체들이 이미 6백만대의 컴퓨터들이 연결되어 있는 인터넷 상으로 마구 들어가려고 하는 이유는 바로 그 거대한 잠재적 소비자들층 때문인 것이다.
millions가 아니고 billions여야 하지 않을까요(billions를 millions로 오타한 것 아닌가요)? 전세계에 있는 컴퓨터 댓수가 6백 만이 아니라 60억인 것 같아서...2. 시원해~
'12.8.10 7:26 PM (125.181.xxx.2)혹시 두번째 문장이 It~ that~강조구문인가요?
3. ~~~~~~~ (영어 쬐꼼만 합니당)
'12.8.10 8:44 PM (61.247.xxx.205)Yes, you're right.
It is the "It ~ that ~" structural pattern emphasizing a particular part of a sentence.
Well, how do I know it is that pattern?
Here's the answer:
If the remaining parts, after the pseudo subject "It", the "be-verb," and "that" are deleted, suffice to make a complete sentence, we can then judge it to belong to that pattern.
See, with "it," the "be-verb," and "that" deleted, the remaining "that huge body of potential consumers has businesses scrambled to get onto the Web, to which 6 million computers are already hooked up" is standing as a complete sentence.4. 영어 쬐꼼만 합니당님
'12.8.10 9:18 PM (125.181.xxx.2)감사합니다 ^^
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