아들이 영어학원 라이팅숙제를 했는데, 이번에 참 잘 써졌다며 "엄마가 이 내용을 알면 내가 얼마나 잘 썼는지
알수있는데... 아쉬워" 이러는거예요;;;;;;
제가 영어를 잘 못해서 "야, 엄마가 이정도는 잘썼는지 못썼는지 알수있지";;;; 이렇게대답했어요.ㅠ
아이가 자신이 쓴 글을 만족해하고, 엄마에게 보이고 싶은데 읽어봐도 정확히 잘모르겠으니, 참 그렇네요.
죄송스럽지만, 아이글을 올려드릴테니 봐주실 의향이 있으신분들은 답글 주시면 정말 감사하겠어요. 궁금해서요.
그런 분이 있을까요?
아이는 4학년이구요.
먼저 주제는
The expression "Never, never give up" means to keep trying and Never stop working for your goals.
Do you agree or disagree with his statement?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
아이가 쓴 글은
〈Try, Try, Try!〉
Never, never give up is an good expression to not fail your goal and accomplish it. I think that if you goal and do not let go you goal you can get a good result. So that means that I agree with this statement.
Giving up means that you don't have power over your goal. To do something you want there is always a goal. You should overpower it to do what you want. Try and never, never give up is an right thing to do.
To live in the world you sometimes have tasks to do. To be ready for it you should try your best for your goals.
There is lot's of hard things that you really need to cross then it would be hard for you if you don't try for your goals. Of course sometime if you really can't do that thing and risk it, you can just fail. Because, fail is success's mother.
Because of the hard things that disturb your life you just have to try, try, try!