신발 쇼핑몰에서 주문한게 캔슬이길래
카드 뱉었나보다 ...하고 다른 곳에서 주문했더니
오늘 보니 신용카드는 승인이 난거잇죠 ㅠㅠ
이렇게 편지를 쓰면 될까요?
미리 감사드립니다 꾸벅~
Dear Shoebuy.com,
I am writing this e-mail with regard to Order No.12345
The purchase was made on May,24 and, shortly after that date,
your records showed that the order was cancelled by any reason
So I ordered same shoes from another site
But today I checked my credit card proved
I want you to cancel the approval of my credit card payment
for my order. Thanks in advance.