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정보교환과 질문의 장

Stepmom #34

| 조회수 : 2,721 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-07-10 19:14:38

#56. In the restaurant

WAITRESS   Would you like a drink?  
ESABELLE   Patrome, please. Double. (to Jackie) What's up?   
JACKIE   Last year, I lost Ben.   
ESABELLE   What?  
JACKIE   In the supermarket.  
ESABELLE   You're lying.   
JACKIE   It's true.   
ESABELLE   That's impossible. You could never lose that kid for one second.   
JACKIE   I did.  
ESABELLE   Ben never mentioned it.   
JACKIE   He just remembers I found him.   
ESABELLE   Why didn't you tell me?   
JACKIE   You know why.   
ESABELLE   I never wanted to be a Mom. Well, sharing it with you is one thing.   
  Carrying it alone the rest of my life... always being compared to you.   
  You're perfect. They worship you.   
  I just don't want to be looking over my shoulder every day for 20 years...   
  knowing... that someone else would have done it right... done it better... the way that I can't.   
JACKIE   What do I have that you don't?   
ESABELLE   You're Mother Earth incarnate.   
JACKIE   You're hip and fresh.   
ESABELLE   You ride with Anna.    
JACKIE   You'll learn.   
ESABELLE   You know every story... every wound... every memory.   
  Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you. Every single moment.   
  Don't you get it?   
  Look down the road to her wedding…I'm in a room alone with her...   
  fitting her veil... fIuffing her dress... telling her... no woman has ever looked that beautiful.   
  And my fear is... that she'll be thinking... ''l wish my Mom was here.''   
JACKIE   And mine is... she won't.   
  But the truth is... she doesn't have to choose.   
  She can have us both... love us both.   
  And she will be a better person because of me... and because of you.   
  I have their past... and you can have their future.   

#57. In Jackie's house

BEN   Hey, guys, it's Christmas! Wake up! (runs downstairs in a hurry)  
  I hope there's a white dove. There's gotta be a white dove.   
ESABELLE   Hark, I hear the gentle sounds of Benjamin.   
LUKE   We'd better get out there before he starts ripping open all the presents.   
  Ben, Ben, Ben, have a little patience.   
BEN   Can I open my presents now?   
ESABELLE   Actually, your Mom wants you guys to go upstairs... and open presents with her first,  
  then we'll open presents down here, okay?   
BEN   Okay. Me first. (goes upstairs)  
JACKIE   Marry Christmas!  
  Sweetie, I think this has your name on it.   
BEN   Wow! A real magician's cape! Awesome!   
JACKIE   Come here. l'll help you with it.   
  What does it have all over it? Could you see?   
BEN   Pictures of me and you.  
JACKIE   And this right here? See that one?   
  That's our first official photo of you and me as a couple. See that?   
BEN   Did you know I was goodlooking right away?   
JACKIE   Everybody in the hospital was talking about it. Are you kidding?   
  But this goodlooking was beyond my imagination. (kisses to Ben)  
BEN   (sighs) Are you dying?  
JACKIE   What do you think?  
BEN   Yes. Then I won't see you anymore.  
JACKIE   Well, you won't see my body, but you know how a caterpillar becomes something else?  
BEN   A butterfly.  
JACKIE   Yeah. You just have to think of me as... off flying somewhere.  
  And, of course, the magician knows the secret  
  that just because you don't see something doesn't meant that it's not there.  
  So even thought it might seem like I'm gone, the magician knows better.  
BEN   So, where will you be?  
JACKIE   (puts hands on Ben's chest) Right here. Right here inside the magician.  
BEN   Can I talk to you when you're there?  
JACKIE   Always, always, always.  
  You won't hear my voice but deep inside, you know what I'm saying.  
BEN   It's not good enough.  
JACKIE   No..no.. Of course it isn't, because it isn't everything.  
  And we want everything, don't we?   
  But we still have one thing.  
  One of our greatest things we'll always have.   
  You know what that is?  
  Our dreams. We can still meet in our dreams.  
  We can talk to each other there, and go for walks together in the summer  
  and in the winter and in the rain and in the sun…  
  and I can come and pick you up and we can go flying.  
BEN   Nobody's loved you like I do. (hugs Jackie)  
JACKIE   Nobody ever will.   

45 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:15 PM

    Waitress : Would you like a drink?
    E : Patrome, please. Double. (to Jackie) What's up?

  • 무진
    '13.7.11 8:09 AM

    W : 뭐 드실래요?
    E : Patrome, Doble 주세요. (재키에게) 무슨 일이시죠?

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:16 PM

    J : Last year, I lost Ben.
    E : What?
    J : In the supermarket.
    E : You're lying.
    J : It's true.
    E : That's impossible. You could never lose that kid for one second.
    J : I did.

  • 무진
    '13.7.11 8:06 AM

    J : 작년에 벤을 잃어버린적이 있어요.
    E : 네?
    J : 마트에서.
    E : 거짓말 하고 있죠?
    J : 진짜에요.
    E : 불가능한일이데요. 그 아이를 절대 잠시라도 잃어버릴수는 없잖아요.
    J : 잃어버렸어요.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:16 PM

    E : Ben never mentioned it.
    J : He just remembers I found him.
    E : Why didn't you tell me?
    J : You know why.

  • 무진
    '13.7.11 8:10 AM

    E : 벤은 그런말 안했는데요.
    J : 벤은 찾았을때만 기억하니까요.
    E : 왜 나에게 말 안했어요?
    J : 왜그런지 알잖아요.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:16 PM


    I never wanted to be a Mom. Well, sharing it with you is one thing.
    Carrying it alone the rest of my life... always being compared to you.
    You're perfect. They worship you.

  • 무진
    '13.7.11 8:25 AM

    E : 엄마가 될 마음은 없었어요. 당신과 엄마자리를 공유한다는게 한가지이구요.
    남은 인생내내 오롯이 엄마역할을 해내는것...늘 당신과 비교될테니.
    당신은 완벽한 엄마이고, 아이들도 당신을 늘 존경하고 사랑하니까요.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:16 PM


    I just don't want to be looking over my shoulder every day for 20 years...
    knowing... that someone else would have done it right... done it better... the way that I can't.

  • 무진
    '13.7.11 8:57 AM

    난 매일 20년 동안을 어깨머너로 보는 것만은 원치않아요.
    누군가는 엄마역할을 제대로 했을수도 있고, 더 나을수도 있다는 것을 알면서...
    내가 할 수 없는 식(방식, 방법)으로요.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:17 PM

    J : What do I have that you don't?
    E : You're Mother Earth incarnate.
    J : You're hip and fresh.
    E : You ride with Anna.
    J : You'll learn.

  • 무진
    '13.7.11 8:56 AM

    J : 당신이 못하는 걸 내가 뭘 하는데요?
    E : 당신은 천상 엄마잖아요.
    J : 당신은 세련되고 생기발랄하잖아요.
    E : 당신은 애나와 승마도 하잖아요.
    J : 배우면 되죠.
    * Mother Earth incarnate : 대지의 여신 형상을 한
    * hip : 유행에 밝은 , 최신 유행의, 세상에 밝은

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:17 PM


    You know every story... every wound... every memory.
    Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you. Every single moment.
    Don't you get it?

  • Jane
    '13.7.11 9:01 AM

    당신은 (아이들의 ) 모든 이야기, 모든 상처, 모든 기억을 알아요.
    아이들 전 인생의 행복은 당신과의 기억 안에 있어요. 매 순간 순까지.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:17 PM


    Look down the road to her wedding…I'm in a room alone with her...
    fitting her veil... fIuffing her dress... telling her... no woman has ever looked that beautiful.
    And my fear is... that she'll be thinking... ''l wish my Mom was here.''

  • Jane
    '13.7.11 9:08 AM

    애나가 결혼식장으로 가는 길에, 전 혼자 애나와 배일을 씌어주고, 드레스를 매 만져 주며, 이렇게 아름다ㄴ운 신부는 처음 봤다고 말해주겠죠.
    제가 두려운 건, 애나가 " 우리 엄마가 여기 있었다면..." 하고 생각할까봐...

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:18 PM

    JACKIE :

    And mine is... she won't.
    But the truth is... she doesn't have to choose.
    She can have us both... love us both.
    And she will be a better person because of me... and because of you.
    I have their past... and you can have their future.

  • Jane
    '13.7.11 9:05 AM

    그럼 제가 두려운 건 애나가 그러지 않을지 모른다는 거에요.
    그렇지만 사실은, 애나는 선택할 필요가 없다는 거죠.
    애나는 우리 둘 다 엄마로 가질 수 있고, 우리 둘다 사랑해요.
    그리고 애나는 나로 인해, 그리고 또 당신 덕분에 더 훌륭한 사람으로 성장 할 거에요.
    난 아이들의 과거를, 그리고 당신은 아이들의 미래를 함께 하는 거죠.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:18 PM

    * On a Chrismas morning

    B : Hey, guys, it's Christmas! Wake up! (runs downstairs in a hurry) I hope there's a white dove. There's gotta be a white dove.
    E : Hark, I hear the gentle sounds of Benjamin.
    L : We'd better get out there before he starts ripping open all the presents. Ben, Ben, Ben, have a little patience.

  • Jane
    '13.7.11 9:12 AM

    B: 여러분들, 크리스마스에요! 일어들 나세요! (급하게 아래층으로 달려간다)
    흰 비둘기가 있으면 좋겠는데. 흰 비둘기라야 돼.
    E:어, 벤자민 목소리가 들리네요
    L:벤자민이 선물을 모두 풀어보기 전에 빨리 나가봐야 겠네. 벤, 벤, 조금만 참아

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:19 PM

    B : Can I open my presents now?
    E : Actually, your Mom wants you guys to go upstairs... and open presents with her first, then we'll open presents down here, okay?
    B : Okay. Me first. (goes upstairs)

  • Jane
    '13.7.11 9:21 AM

    벤: 지금 제 선물 열어봐도 돼요?
    이사벨: 사실은, 너희 어머니께서 너희들이 윗층으로 가서.. 엄마 선물을 먼저 열어봤음 하셔.
    그 다음에 아랫층에서 선물을 열어봐 알았지?
    벤: 네. 내가 먼저야.(윗층으로 간다)

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:19 PM

    J : Marry Christmas! Sweetie, I think this has your name on it.
    B : Wow! A real magician's cape! Awesome!
    J : Come here. l'll help you with it.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.11 10:31 AM

    J : Marry Christmas! Sweetie, 이선물에 네이름이 써있구나.
    B : 와우! 진짜 마법사 망또다. 멋지다.
    J : 이리오렴. 입는것 도와줄께..

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:20 PM

    J : What does it have all over it? Could you see?
    B : Pictures of me and you.
    J : And this right here? See that one? That's our first official photo of you and me as a couple. See that?

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.11 10:35 AM

    J : 망또 전체에 뭐가 있어..? 보이니..?
    B : 나하고 엄마 사진이에요.
    J : 바로 여기 이건..? 보이니..? 그건 우리 두사람이 커플로 찍은 첫사진이다 보이지..?

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:20 PM

    B : Did you know I was goodlooking right away?
    J :
    Everybody in the hospital was talking about it. Are you kidding?
    But this goodlooking was beyond my imagination. (kisses to Ben)

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.11 10:40 AM

    B : 지금 내가 잘생길걸 알았었어요?
    J :
    병원에 있는 모두가 너 잘생겼다고 이야기했었어.
    Are you kidding? (말도하지마.. 정도로 해석해야할까요..?)
    그런데 잘생긴것이 내 상상이상이 되었지 (벤에게 키스한다)

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:20 PM

    B : (sighs) Are you dying?
    J : What do you think?
    B : Yes. Then I won't see you anymore.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.11 10:43 AM

    B : (한숨쉬며) 엄마 죽어요..?
    J : 어떻게 생각하는데..?
    B : 응. 그러면 더이상 엄마를 못보겠네요.

  • 16. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:21 PM

    J : Well, you won't see my body, but you know how a caterpillar becomes something else?
    B : A butterfly.
    J : Yeah. You just have to think of me as... off flying somewhere.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 3:48 PM

    J : 그러게..너는 엄마 몸을 볼 수는 없겠지, 그런데 애벌래가 뭐가 되는지 알고있지?
    B : 나비요.
    J : 그렇지. 엄마가 (나비처럼).. 어딘가를 날아다니고 있다고 생각해.

  • 17. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:21 PM

    JACKIE :

    And, of course, the magician knows the secret that just because you don't see something doesn't meant that it's not there.
    So even thought it might seem like I'm gone, the magician knows better.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 3:50 PM

    그리고, 마술사들은 눈에 보이지 않는다고 그게 없다는 건 아니란 비밀을 알잖니?
    그러니깐 엄마가 없는 것 같아도 마술사는 잘 알아.

  • 18. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:21 PM

    B : So, where will you be?
    J : (puts hands on Ben's chest) Right here. Right here inside the magician.
    B : Can I talk to you when you're there?
    J : Always, always, always. You won't hear my voice but deep inside, you know what I'm saying.
    B : It's not good enough.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 3:52 PM

    B : 그럼 어디에 계실거에요?
    J : (벤의 가슴에 손을 얹으며) 여기에. 마술사 안 바로 여기에.
    B : 엄마가 거기에 있을 때 엄마한테 말할 수 있어요?
    J : 항상. 언제나, 언제나. 너는 엄마 목소리를 듣지는 못하겠지만, 마음 깊은 곳에서 엄마가 말 하는 걸 알거야.
    B : 그걸로는 충분하지가 않은데.

  • 19. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:22 PM

    JACKIE :

    No..no.. Of course it isn't, because it isn't everything.
    And we want everything, don't we?
    But we still have one thing.
    One of our greatest things we'll always have.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 3:53 PM

    JACKIE :

    그렇지.. 당엲히 충분하지 않지, 그게 전부가 아니니깐..
    그리고 우린 전부를 원하고, 그렇지?
    하지만 그래도 우린 하나는 가지고 있어.
    우리가 항상 가지는 것 중 가장 멋진 것이지.

  • 20. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:22 PM

    JACKIE :

    You know what that is?
    Our dreams. We can still meet in our dreams.
    We can talk to each other there, and go for walks together in the summer
    and in the winter and in the rain and in the sun…
    and I can come and pick you up and we can go flying.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 3:55 PM

    그게 뭔지 아니?
    꿈이야. 우린 꿈에서 계속 만날 수 있어.
    거기에서 서로 대화하고, 여름이건, 겨울이건, 비가 오건, 맑은 날이건 산책도 할 수 있고,
    엄마가 와서 너를 데리고 같이 날아다닐 수도 있어.

    (해석하면서도 눈물 나네요. ㅜㅜ)

  • 21. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:22 PM

    B : Nobody's loved you like I do. (hugs Jackie)
    J : Nobody ever will.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 3:56 PM

    B : 나만큼 엄마 사랑하는 사람 없어요. (엄마를 안는다)
    J : 앞으로도 그럴거야.

  • 22. 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 7:27 PM

    Too much? Sorry :-)
    But it won't be difficult to translate.

    I cried too much when I watched these scean.
    Saying goodbye with the kids made me feel too hard.

    I never cried when I was in 20's, but having my own child, feelings get complecated

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.11 4:40 PM

    But, fortunetly they have a good stepmom.
    I cried everytime I watched these scean too.^^

    Hey~ 민서mom~
    I'm sure you're a wonderful mother.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.12 8:05 AM

    Wow, good idea to think Anna and Ben have a good stepmom, and I think Esabelle surely becomes a good mom for them.

    I love my daughter and try to be a good mother.
    And I hope she would think so. Thank you :-)

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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5539 e학습터 샬로미 2020.08.25 15,773 0
5538 중2 아들 졸음 2 그대로좋아 2020.07.23 13,409 0
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