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The authors told her before test that her right arm would be tested by “true material” whereas left arm by placebo, and the result was dramatic. Purpuric lesions were appeared after 24 hours on both arms, but the right arm’s lesions were greater than those of left arms
1. 미욱
'10.8.26 9:41 AM (124.51.xxx.7)맞지 않는 데가 좀 있는 것 같은데요.
(그나저나, 영어 관련 글이라 클릭했는데,
난데없이 욕설이 나와서 좀 당황스럽네요 ㅜㅜ)
왠지 저도,
문법 맞나 안맞나 서둘러 보고,가타부타 말씀만 드린 후
썩~조용히 꺼져야 될 것 같아요...2. 뎅
'10.8.26 9:57 AM (128.134.xxx.85)헤 미욱님, 기분상하셨음 죄송해요. 위에껀 지울까봐요. 봐주셔서 감사합니다~
3. ss
'10.8.26 10:05 AM (180.71.xxx.105)The authors told her before test that her right arm would be tested by “true material” whereas left arm by placebo, and the result was dramatic. Purpuric lesions (were) appeared after 24 hours on both arms, but the right arm’s lesions were (greater) than those of left arms
일단 영작 솜씨가 수준급이신 것 같은데요 저도 실력은 없지만 괄호부분..
첫번째 were는 빼야하는 것 아닌가 싶구
greater는 more severe로 바꾸면 어떨가 싶궁.4. ...
'10.8.26 11:01 AM (221.151.xxx.158)The author let her know before the test that the the true material and placebo were to be put(? used appllied or rubbed or spread) on her right arm and left arm, respectively. The result was exceptional. Purpuric lesions appeared on her both arms 24 hours after testing, although sizes of lesions were greater in her right arm than her left arm..
혹은 sizes of lesions were greater in her right arm than her left arm although Purpuric lesions appeared on both arms 24 hours after testing.
의미가 좀 이상해요..placebo는 보통 안알려주죠..
lesion이 심한 거는 이상하죠..lesion의 size나 severity가 커야겠어요..
placebo에서도 lesion이 생겼다는 말을 하고 싶은건지,,,true에서 크게 나타나서 tru e가 효과가 있다는 것이 입증되었다는 것인지에 따라 마지막 문장을 달리 해야 할 것 같습니다.
Her 보다는 subject나 patient 같은 걸로 쓰면 좋을 것 같아요. 앞에서 문맥상으로..5. ...
'10.8.26 11:04 AM (221.151.xxx.158)true material보다는 test material이 좋을 거 같아요..
6. 뎅
'10.8.26 11:31 AM (128.134.xxx.85)점세개님, 자세한 코멘트 감사드립니다. 목적이 있어서 테스트와 플라시보 사이트를 일부러 알려준 거구요. placebo에서도 lesion이 생겼지만 테스트 사이트에서 더 크게 생겼었어요.