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미국 흑인 여가수 "에텔워더"가 부른 팝송 " 폭풍우를 지날때"~~~~

팝송 조회수 : 437
작성일 : 2010-03-03 23:48:04
(폭풍우를 지날떄..._영어로 어떻게 적나요!!.....)팝송가사도 알고 싶고, 팝송 폰으로 다운 받고 싶은데,,,요즘 이 팝송듣는 분도 있나요???
IP : 123.199.xxx.201
1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. stormy
    '10.3.4 12:29 AM (98.166.xxx.14)

    이 노래는 빌리 할리데이, 엘라 핏츠제랄드, 리나 혼 등 재즈,블루스 싱어라면 거의가 다 불렀던 노래이지요.
    stormy weather.

    Don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky
    Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together
    Keeps raining all the time

    Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere
    Stormy weather, just can't get my poor old self together
    I'm weary all the time, the time, so weary all of the time

    When he went away, the blues walked in and met me
    If he stays away, old rocking chair will get me
    All I do is pray, the lord above will let me
    walk in the sun once more

    Can't go on, everything I had is gone
    Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together
    Keeps raining all the time
    Keeps raining all of the time

    I walk around heavy-hearted and sad
    Night comes around and I'm still feeling bad
    Rain pourin' down, blinding every hope I had
    This pitter andd n patter and beating, spattering driving me mad
    Love, love, love, love, the misery will be the end of me

    When he went away, the blues walked in and met me
    If he stays away, old rocking chair will get me
    All I do is pray, the lord above will let me
    Walk in the sun once more

    Can't go on, everything I had is gone
    Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together
    Keeps raining all the time, the time
    Keeps raining all the time

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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