Personal and Social Education
Jack has had a bridf time since his start in Year One.
He shows signsof a being a very intelligent boy,
but sometimes has issues with concentration and staying on task.
I feel this can interrupt some very good work.
He has been experiencing some language difficulties,
having only recently joined us, and this has also been a factor in his work output.
However, he is very confident in trying to complete tasks on his own,
and this demonstrates a determination to succeed.
With that attitude already evident,
I hope to build a much more focused and expressive Jack this school year.
To improve his English language communication skills
Jack demonstrated some understanding of our topic content through listening to class
discussion and completing various set tasks with a little assistance.
He was mostly also able to understand and appreciate our exploration of the 5 senses and with some help,
seems to have a good grasp on how they function to serve us in our daily lives.
Continue to build his curiosity about the world around him
Jack seems to have an excellent grasp on the various aspects of Mathematics covered,
including number recognition to 20, addition, money,
and measurement in centimetres and non-standard units.
He is quickly able to grasp the rudiments of each topic,
and how these conepts fit into a "hands on" real life situations.
He loves mathematical stimuli and continually demonstrates
a good knowledge beyond his language abilities.
Continue to develop mathematical vocabulary ability
Jack is a bright young boy full of enthusiasm.
However he still has a lot of work to do in recognizing letters
and the sounds attached with them as well as the ability to put these sound into words.
ESL is a great benefit to him as he does better in small groups
and needs extra reinforcement of these basic skills.
To continue to develop letter / sound skills and word recognition.
다닌지 1달정도 된 6살 아이랍니다.
조금 자세히 해석 부탁드릴게요.
개편이전의 자유게시판으로 열람만 가능합니다.
영어) 성적표 해석 좀 해주세요.
조마조마 조회수 : 580
작성일 : 2009-10-19 23:13:48
IP :
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
1. 너무 길어서
'09.10.19 11:35 PM (근데 어린 아이들 요즘 다 이렇게 공부하나요?
운이 좋다기보다 왜 안쓰러운 느낌이 드는지 모르겠네요.
6살이면 자국어로도 위의 과학/산수 개념들 이해하기 힘들텐데요.
아이가 더러 집중을 못해 과제를 하는데 약간의 어려움이 있음
들어온지 얼마안되서 언어문제가 결과물에 영향을 주긴 하는데
아이가 명민하고, 하려는 의지도 강함
대충 알아듣고 주위에서 도움을 약간 받아 주제를 이해한다고
잘 한다고 하고
리터러시면 읽기인가요?
이 부분엔 과외로 도움이 필요할거 같다고 하네요.
글씨를 알아보거나, 어떤 소리가 나는지 -각 (알파벳이겠죠) - 그리고 단어랑 어떻게 연결되는지에 더 공부를 많이 해야할거 같대요.
아이가 소그룹으로 하면 잘하기땜에 이에스엘이 효과적일거 같고
이 기본적인 부분에서 부족한점을 보완하기 위해 엑스트라로 뭔가 더 해야되겠다는 의견
이네요.2. 아마
'09.10.19 11:49 PM (외국에 사시는 분인가 봐요.
6살에 YEAR1이면 인터내셔날 스쿨 다니시는 거 같은데
Literacy 같은 경우 아직은 많이 어려울 거에요.
학교에 ESL 과정이 개설되어 있으면 선생님과 상담을 통해 수강을 하도록 하고
없다면 굳이 외부과정을 밟을 필요 없이 집에서 책을 좀 많이 읽도록 유도해주세요.
☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다