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please.... 꼭 읽고 수정좀...

please... 조회수 : 406
작성일 : 2009-03-26 08:44:33
꼭 좀 읽어주세요.
아이 숙제로 선생님께 보내는 이메일인데 엄마 영어가 심히 짧아서 영어잘하시는 분들께 도움 요청합니다.
그냥 지나치지 마시고 꼭 좀 도와주세요. 애가 울고와서요..


I am writing this regarding **'s homework. He did not get the direction you gave him about biography today. I would like to ask you to tell him what was wrong in his work like spelling, grammar or plot etc. Please let him do his homework after he gets the direction from you on Friday. I really appreciate your kindness if you give him a chance to complete his work.

IP : 68.197.xxx.43
6 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. Eng
    '09.3.26 9:13 AM (68.81.xxx.196)

    I am sorry but I do not understand what you wrote here. I mean I kinda got it but did not get it completely. So, I changed some words that could make sense to me. If this is not what you meant, please let me know.


    Dear Mr. Smith,

    I am the mother of John. I am so sorry to ask you this, but I would like to ask an extension of his homework, if allowed. I do not think he got the instruction on today’s biography homework. Would you give him an extension so he can complete his work by Friday? Meanwhile, could you also check spelling, grammar, plot, etc. on his work so far? Again, I am so sorry to ask you this, but as a mom, I could not help writing you this message on behalf of my son, because he looks so struggling. I would really appreciate your understanding and permission for extension.

    Thank you very much in advance,

    Jane Darcy
    mother of John

  • 2. tree
    '09.3.26 9:34 AM (68.197.xxx.43)

    답변 감사드립니다.

    상황을 설명하자면,

    학교에서 Clara Barton 에 대한 전기문을 썼는데 잘못 썼다며 선생님이 다시 써오라고 했답니다. 근데 어떤 부분이 잘못된건지에 대하여 자세한 설명을 안해주셨대요. spelling틀린 곳을 고치란 얘긴지, 문법인지, 아님 전체적인 방향을 잘못잡아서 아예 잘못써서 다시 써야하눈지...

    아이가 어떻게 해야 할지 몰라 너무 막막해합니다. 아이는 4학년이구요.
    일단 오늘 숙제는 못해가니 제가 선생님께 이메일 보낼려구 합니다.

  • 3. Eng
    '09.3.26 10:31 AM (68.81.xxx.196)

    Dear Mr. Smith,

    I am the mother of John. I am so sorry to ask you this, but I would like to ask you another extension of his homework. It seems like John has no idea of what went wrong on his biography work, so even though you gave him another chance to do the work, he has no clue how to even start the work. Was there any spelling or grammatical error on his work so he can just fix that problem and resubmit it without further changes? Or, does he need to redo the work completely maybe in the different format or with the different concept? Could you please specify the problems on his homework and give him a detailed instruction so he could restart his work and allow him to submit his work by Friday? I would really appreciate your understanding and permission for one more extension!

    I am so sorry again to emailing you on this, but as a mom, I could not help writing you this message on behalf of my son, because he is so struggling on this task. I wish I did not know of his situation or I wish could ignore it, but here I am bothering you. :) Hope you do not mind and I would not be in this situation again.

    Thank you very much in advance,

    Jane Park
    Mother of John

  • 4. Eng
    '09.3.26 10:35 AM (68.81.xxx.196)

    선생님이 어머님 마음 반에 반이라도 아시면...하는 바람입니다. 그럼 안녕히 계세요.

  • 5. tree
    '09.3.26 10:38 AM (68.197.xxx.43)

    감사합니다. 좋은일 많이 하셔서 복받으실거에요.

  • 6. Eng
    '09.3.26 10:43 AM (68.81.xxx.196)

    근데, 다시 읽어 보니...틀린 곳이...

    I am so sorry again to email you.............

    emailing 이 아니고...

    복 주셔서 감사 합니다. 꾸벅... 하하.

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