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속보] 캐나다서 인간광우병 의심환자 발생 치료중입니다!! (펌)

비노 조회수 : 293
작성일 : 2008-06-29 17:20:01
속보] 캐나다서 인간광우병 의심환자 발생 치료중입니다!! (펌)

캐나다서 인간광우병 의심 환자 치료

뉴시스 | 기사입력 2008.06.29 02:28

캐나다에서 13번째 광우병 소가 발생된 가운데 인간 광우병이 의심되는 환자를 치료하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.

28일(현지시간) 캐나다 '미시사가 뉴스'와 '글로브앤메일' 등에 따르면 미시사가 트릴리움 보건센터에서 필지역 한 명의 남자가 광우병 의심 치료를 받고 있다는 것이다.

병원 관계자는 "아직까지 이 환자가 광우병 소의 고기를 먹고 인간 광우병에 걸린 것으로 보고 있지는 않지만 자세한 것은 좀 더 테스트를 해봐야 알 수 있다"고 밝혔다.

쇠고기 섭취 여부와 관계없는 CJD(크로이츠야콥병·Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)인지 아니면 쇠고기를 먹고 걸린 '변형 CJD'(인간 광우병)인지는 분명치 않다는 것이다.

병원 관계자는 "이 환자의 신원과 증상을 환자 보호법에 따라 밝힐 수 없다"고 말했다.
캐나다에서 지난해 CJD로 40명이 사망한 것으로 알려져 있으며 지금까지 인간 광우병으로 사망한 사람은 1명이 있다.

이 환자는 두 가지의 질병 중 어느 한가지로 밝혀지더라도 사망에 이를 것으로 예상되고 있다.

정진탄기자 chchtan7982@newsis.com

28일(현지시간) 캐나다 <미시사가 뉴스 http://mississauga.com>와 <글로브앤메일 http://www.theglobeandmail.com> 등 에 따르면 미시사가 트릴리움 보건센터에서 필지역 한 명의 남자가 광우병 의심 치료를 받고 있다는 것이다.


기사 링크

다음은 캐나다 뉴스 영어 원문입니다!!

Could Peel man have 'mad cow disease'?
By: The Mississauga News
June 28, 2008 09:07 AM -

Doctors suspect a Peel Region man being cared for at Mississauga's Trillium Health Centre may be suffering from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), often linked to 'mad cow disease'.

Peel Region medical officer of health David Mowat told media that the case may be unrelated to eating infected meat, and that the disease can occur spontaneously.

Dr. Mowat said the patient is still awaiting tests to determine which strain of the disease he may have — the classic, or spontaneous, form or the rarer 'variant' form, which is the one caused by exposure to tainted meat and other external sources.

In Canada, 40 deaths from the classic strain were reported last year, while only one person in Canada has ever died from a confirm!ed case of the 'mad cow' form.

Symptoms of the disease can show up decades after infection, so doctor say it is often hard to identify the exact cause.

CJD is considered 100 per cent fatal, and death usually occurs within six months. It is a degenerative brain disorder, and follows the symptoms of a rapid-progression dementia.

Doctors suspect man has strain of Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Hospital patient may have 'classic' form of the brain-wasting disease

(globeandmail.com) A man in Peel Region may be suffering from one of two forms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, the extremely degenerative brain condition popularly associated with eating beef from "mad" cows, medical officials confirm!ed yesterday.

The man is a patient at Trillium Health Centre in Mississauga. A spokesperson for the hospital said that no details of the patient's background or symptoms could be released due to privacy legislation.

Peel Region's medical officer of health, David Mowat, said he had "not found any need" for public-health officials to respond to the case, since the great majority of CJD patients have the so-called "classic" form of the disease, which occurs spontaneously and is not caused by eating infected meat or any other external factor.

A total of 40 deaths from classic CJD were reported in Canada last year.

Variant or vCJD, which is linked to eating beef from cows with bovine spongiform encephalopathy - often referred to as mad-cow disease - is much rarer. Dr. Mowat added that "we've no evidence that there's a probability of vCJD" in the Mississauga case. Only one person in Canada has ever died from confirm!ed vCJD.

A definitive distinction between the two forms of the disease would require further testing, which Dr. Mowat said had not been performed.

But epidemiologic information like age and past countries of residence can provide import!ant clues. vCJD tends to strike younger patients, and is most common by far in countries with histories of mad-cow disease like Britain and France.

The prognosis for both types is equally grim: CJD is 100 per cent fatal. On average, death occurs within six months of initial symptoms, which are similar to those of dementia but progress much more rapidly.

Michael Gardam, the director of infection protection and control at Toronto's University Health Network, explained that CJD diagnoses present particularly tricky problems for hospitals.

The disease is caused by prions, misfolded proteins that are not actually alive but are contagious nonetheless. Since prions cannot be killed, medical instruments that come into contact with them - as they might during a diagnostic biopsy, for example - have to be quarantined and incinerated.

A finding that the Mississauga patient is in fact suffering from vCJD would be "a big deal" for public health officials, Dr. Gardam said.

Since vCJD can produce symptoms decades after the eating of contaminated meat, pinpointing its origin is virtually impossible.
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