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번역 올려요..

도움이 되길 조회수 : 460
작성일 : 2008-06-29 01:43:06
좀 전에 글 올린 것처럼 번역했습니다.
좀 시간이 걸렸네요..
다시 돌아와보니.. 상황이 너무 악화된 것 같아요..
글 올립니다.
퍼서.. 외국싸이트에 다 올려봅시다.

Inhumane Crackdown on Peaceful Protestors

I am writing to let you know about what is going on in South Korea.
The candlelight vigil has been held for more than 50 days here in Korea.
As you may be already aware, the protest was triggered by the recent government decision to resume US beef import.

But, what we are protesting against is not only some of unsafe US beef, including Advanced Meat Recovery (AMR) which is banned from school meal in US. What makes ordinary citizens keep taking to the streets is the government’s inhumane crackdown on the people who gather for the candlelight vigil.

They are just ordinary citizens who worry about health hazards of the unsafe beef. Some of them are young students, parents and their children, priests, nuns and salary men. They participate in the protest with nothing but candles and paper picket signs.  

But the riot police shoot the water cannon, spray fire extinguisher spray, hit them with thick riot sticks and the sharpened edge of their shield, and throw broken cement blocks. Too many people got severely injured by the riot police’s brutality. A couple of days ago, two people got their fingers cut off by the riot police. One middle-aged man, who said that he participated the protest on the fear that his son, to be enlisted soon, is to be exposed to unsafe beef, got his finger bit off by a riot policeman. The other victim was a young lady whose finger got cut off by a police shield. Too horrible to imagine? But I’m telling you what really happened.

This is not all. A few days ago, a 12-year old child, participating in a peaceful march with mom, was whisked into a police car with other adults to a jail. Fortunately, due to strong protest from other people at the scene, the child got free.

Even a lawyer from the “ lawyer for human rights”, who was at the protest wearing “human rights watchdog,” got bitten on his head by riot sticks so many times that he got a some 20-stitch head wound.

National assembly members are not the exception. They, standing front of protesters to protect citizens from the violence, got bitten by the police. And some of them got into a jail. Hard to believe considering that national assembly members are entitled to legal immunity.

Now, you see how violent the police can be to ordinary citizens, then.

This afternoon, the riot police sprayed fire extinguisher power even to baby strollers.
Still many people are under the too harsh crackdown at this moment.

Such a shame that all these unbelievable things are happening here in a democratic society! We used to think that we live in a democratic society. Now? Not any more. The clock seems to go back to the 1980’s, when people protested for democracy, risking their life. The president will not listen to our opinions. He will only crack down harshly on people who have different opinions.

Please let the world to know this before it is too late. Help us stop unspeakable violence against innocent citizens. This should not be tolerated anywhere anytime.

Thank you for your interest.

IP : 218.144.xxx.136
10 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 우와..
    '08.6.29 1:48 AM (116.122.xxx.99)

    너무 수고하셨어요! 최근에 일어난 일들을 조목조목 다 넣으셨네요! 요기 아래 각종 외신들 연락처가 있던데.. 열심히 퍼다 날라야겠습니다! 고맙습니다!!

  • 2. 뗑굴 아짐
    '08.6.29 1:48 AM (70.173.xxx.188)

    너-무 고맙습니다!!!!!!!!

    잘 전달할께요!!!!!!

  • 3. 아~~씨
    '08.6.29 1:49 AM (221.141.xxx.101)


  • 4. 이슬기둥
    '08.6.29 1:53 AM (222.235.xxx.142)

    아~ 고생많으셨네요.수고하셨어요

  • 5. 하바넬라
    '08.6.29 1:56 AM (218.50.xxx.39)

    정말 고생하셨습니다.

  • 6. ...
    '08.6.29 2:00 AM (211.187.xxx.197)

    너무 잘 쓰셨네요. 수고하셨습니다..^^*

  • 7. 도움이 되길
    '08.6.29 2:03 AM (218.144.xxx.136)

    아니예요.. 실수도 벌써 보이기 시작하는데요..

    제가 저만의 논리가 쫌 부족해서.. 좀전에 알려주신것 다 적어두고
    순서대로 적어봤어요.. 다른 의견이나 기사거리 있으시면
    또 줄거리 제공해주세요..

    저 82쿡 죽순이거든요..

  • 8. 앨런
    '08.6.29 2:07 AM (116.122.xxx.99)

    1. abc news

    2. 엠네스티

    3. BBC

    4. CNN

    5. New York Times

    6. Los Angeles Times

    7. MSNBC
    (이건 이메일 주소에요)

    8. Reuters
    일단 abc빼고 제가 보냈어요. abc는 글자수 제한이 있어서 ㅠ.ㅠ
    다른 분들도 복사해서 보내주세요. 꼭 방송될 수 있게요!

  • 9. 뗑굴 아짐
    '08.6.29 3:05 AM (70.173.xxx.188)

    한바퀴 좍- 돌리고 왔습니다.
    제가 할 수 있는건 이 정도라서 현장에 계신 분들께 미안합니다..

  • 10. 고맙습니다.
    '08.6.29 8:59 AM (222.97.xxx.227)

    이런 일 하실 수 있으니 배운 보람 있으신 분이네요.
    힘써 주십시오.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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