개편이전의 자유게시판으로 열람만 가능합니다.
그 분에게 이멜을 쓰는 것이 도움이 될런지요?
그리고 저의 짧은 영어로는 이 복잡한 상황을 전달하기가 어렵네요.
영어 잘하시는 분 영작좀 부탁드립니다.
1. 슬픈현실
'08.6.2 3:45 AM (118.45.xxx.72)Title : Korean citizens are under the goverment attack!!
Sub title : 2 high schoolers lost their eye sight, 1 reserved soldier who tried to help citizens got broken ribs in danger of death, 222 people arrested
The rally that had opened against the beef import!!!!!, a rough-and-ready negotiation, with US goverment in May 31,2008.
It firstly started peacefully for citizens with holding candles.
Like citizens did last time for protecting President Mr.Roh from assemblymen, it was the very peaceful rally.
However, 115 police companies,around 10,000polices, were mobilized to suppress citizens.
More combat police were mobilized against citizen after 6 o'clock of June 1.
They all wear special costumes with a helmet and a plastic shield.
In the early moring of June 1, they started to attack citizens with water cannon and tear gas.
Under this attack, polices didn't keep the rule of attacking against the citizens.
They mercilessly attacked women, middle & high schoolers with their plastic sheild.
More they directly shot the water cannon to people less than 5 meters distance.
As a result of this suppression, 222 people were arrested.
Even comatose state citizens because of water cannon attack were arrested instead of sending him to the hospital.
Police didn't care about people wounded or bleeded.
There were cases that citizens begged to let them go to the hospital to the police for bleeding citizen, who attacked by the plastic shield.
Especially, two high schoolers lost their eye sight because water cannon was directly shot to their eyes. Doctor opened his opinion that the eye is incurable because all visual nerves were disconnected.
Desperately they also attack one reserved military solider,who was trying to protect the citizens, so his rib was broken and tear his lung. He is now in danger of death.
Pregnant wemen were also arrested and one girl arrested and sexsually harassed by the combat police.
Police is now more assemblied in Seoul, Korea
Their purpose is to attack citizens not to protect us!!
Please help us to stop it!! Tell them around you!!
See what happened here!!
More It is not ended yet!!
영어로 경찰이 임산부연행하고 여고생한데 물대포쏜거랑 폭력과잉진압한내용입니다 제가 독일어 프랑스어 스페인어로
작문을했습니다. 도저히 못참겠네요!!! 전 현재 미국뉴욕사는 대학생입니다 이글을 널리퍼트려주세요!! 이 영어원문은 아고라에서 퍼왔고 제가 이영어 원문을 독일어, 스페인어 프랑스어로 번역했습니다!! 제가직접작성한거구요 널리퍼트려주세요 전세계로!!
다른 카페에서 퍼왓습니다...저도 영작이 안되서 꼭 좀 이 사태의처절함을 알려주세요...동영상도 같이 보내주세요
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