개편이전의 자유게시판으로 열람만 가능합니다.
영어번역 좀 도와주세요.
1. homework
'08.2.27 1:23 PM (129.78.xxx.101)The below is my son' homework, well, it is beyond my ability.
Masters, please help me.
He remarked that we had to care for not only the planet but also the universe. He illustrated himself by challenging a new area that we had to open many new areas unattended. He also convinced us that when we live together as a family, neighbors and even as nations, we can achieve more and all disciplines are connected and advanced further.There were his wife's dedications and computer-engineering technology that made it possible for him to get over his obstacles.2. ^^
'08.2.27 1:48 PM (220.149.xxx.65)He convinced us that human beings explore our universe outside of our planet, the Earth with kind interest.
His great challenge to unknown areas enlightened us to challenge a lot of unexplored areas which has not get much attention by now.
His finding let us know that man can achieve more valuable works alongside with close relationship with our family, neighborhood and worldwide nations not by alone. And all the academic studies could be developed by with mutual cooperation.
Her wife's thankul devotion makes it possible for him to overcome obstacles, thus to build the academic development in the area of technologies of computer and engineering science.
마지막 단락은 제가 한국말로 잘 이해가 안되서 제맘대로 썼어요. 이해해주세요.3. 감사합니다.
'08.2.28 6:45 AM (24.87.xxx.147)도와주신 두분께 너무 감사드립니다.
저도 영어공부 좀 하려구요...
혹시 누가 볼까 두려워서 오늘 이후에는 제글은 삭제할려고 합니다.
두분이 주신 답글을 남겨놓구요.
번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 날짜 | 조회 |
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682631 | 장터 관련 글은 회원장터로 이동됩니다 49 | 82cook.. | 2006/01/05 | 92,524 |
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