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이상 입니다... 빨리 올려 주시리라 믿습니다..
1. ....
'07.1.1 1:34 PM (121.157.xxx.106)presume that i have to come back to Korea earlier than what was scheduled since i am suffering from bad cold. I also want to let you know that Asiana airline already have sent your changed flight schedule throught your email. I hope you could check it out as soon as possible. The other important thing is that you have to print out that changed schedule and show them when you check in. I am really sorry that i could not spend time until we arranged....Thanks..
만약 독감이셨다면.. bad cold 대신에 bad flu를 넣으셔도 되구요..
두분이 어떤 관계냐에 따라 형식이 조금 달라지긴 하지만요..
친분이 두터우시다면.. 끝에.. Loves..를 넣으셔도 되고..
아님 sincerely... 이런 것도 센스있게 넣어주셔도 됩니다...
그럼 많이 도움이 되셨길 바래요..2. 약간
'07.1.1 1:38 PM (136.159.xxx.20)구어체로 해보았습니다.
I am afraid to say that I have to return to Korea earlier than it is expected. I don't feel good due to getting cold. I've already sent the altered flight schedule to you by email. Please check the mail as soon as you can, and then turn in the changed schedule to the airplane company when you leave. I'm so sorry I couldn't spend time together at the end of your trip with you.3. 원글
'07.1.1 2:04 PM (218.50.xxx.175)많은 도움이 되었습니다...