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노르웨이 화가 Munch(뭉크) 영어식 발음 아시는 분?
1. ㅇㄹㅇ
'11.6.5 11:08 PM (119.70.xxx.185)오슬로에 뭉크박물관갔었는데.. ㅋㅋㅋ 영어로 이름지을려구 그러시나?
2. ...
'11.6.5 11:10 PM (118.216.xxx.165)아뇨. 영어 과외하는데 필요해서요^^;
3. 먼치
'11.6.5 11:22 PM (110.14.xxx.50)먼치라고 읽네요..검색해보시면 뭉크에 대한 예문이 있던데..먼치라고^^
4. 먼치
'11.6.5 11:23 PM (110.14.xxx.50)http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?entryId=549b6f5ef6734a5ca7c7dc789063f66f
아래에 예문 있음^^5. 요기
'11.6.5 11:44 PM (211.176.xxx.172)Munch [mʊŋk]
(Biographies / Munch, Edvard (1863-1944) M, Norwegian, ARTS AND CRAFTS: painter, ARTS AND CRAFTS: engraver) Edvard (ˈɛdvard). 1863-1944, Norwegian painter and engraver, whose works, often on the theme of death, include The Scream (1893); a major influence on the expressionists, esp on die Brücke
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
영어 표기대로가 아니라 원음에 가깝게 읽는 것 같네요.6. 요런
'11.6.6 12:21 AM (75.156.xxx.168)대답:
"Munk" like “monkey” is pretty good, but it is a slightly more German, back-of-throat, guttural cross between a " uh" and a "ew" kind of like in "hoof" sound in the middle, and hard "K" (like in "snack") at the end.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091231152420AAwBa3g7. 굳이 영어로한다면
'11.6.6 12:44 AM (70.70.xxx.78)먼치
하지만 노르웨이식 오리지날로 하세요
고유명사잖아요8. 마지막하늘
'11.6.6 2:53 AM (118.217.xxx.12)http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/munch
Munch [moongk] Show IPA
Ed·vard [ed-vahrd]
1863–1944, Norwegian painter and graphic artist.