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| 조회수 : 1,674 | 추천수 : 26
작성일 : 2011-01-20 22:21:49
같은 카페 회원이 올린글인데  아무도 대답이 없네요.
부탁 드려요.

Propolis Component May Help Treat Breast Cancer

Cytotoxic Activity of Nemorosone in Human MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells
, 2011 Jan;89(1):50-7

Estrogen receptor (ER) antagonists have been widely used for breast cancer treatment; however, patients have increasingly shown resistance and sensitivity to the high toxicity of these drugs, and identification of novel targeted therapies is therefore required.

To determine whether nemorosone, a polycyclic polyisoprenylated benzophenone isolated from floral resins of Clusia rosea Jacq. and Cuban propolis samples, exerts anticancer effects on human breast cancer cells, estrogen receptor positive (ERα+) MCF-7 and estrogen receptor negative (ERα-) MDA-MB-231 and LNCaP cells were used.

Cells were treated with nemorosone alone or in association with 17β-estradiol (E2) or an ER antagonist, ICI 182,780, a selective ER downregulator that completely abrogates estrogen-sensitive gene transcription. Nemorosone inhibited the cell viability of ERα+ but not of ERα- cells. In MCF-7, nemorosone induced inhibition of cell growth by blocking the cell cycle in the G0/G1 phase.

Moreover, the expression! of pERK1/2 and pAkt, considered to be hallmarks of the nongenomic estrogen signalling pathway, were reduced in MCF-7 cells treated with nemorosone. All these effects were enhanced by ICI 182,780. However, nemorosone was not able to interfere with E2-induced Ca2+ release.

These findings suggest that nemorosone may have therapeutic application in the treatment of breast cancer because of its activity on ERα.

Les antagonistes des récepteurs des œstrogènes sont largement utilisés pour le traitement du cancer du sein; toutefois, les patients montrent de plus en plus de résistance à ces médicaments et de sensibilité leur toxicité, d’où la nécessité de mettre au point de nouvelles thérapies ciblées. Pour déterminer si le némorosone, un benzophénone polyisoprénylé polycyclique isolé des résines des fleurs de Clusia rosea et d’échantillons de propolis de Cuba, a un effet anticancéreux sur les cellules de cancer du sein, on a utilisé les cellules MCF-7 positives aux récepteurs des œstrogènes (REα+) et les cellules MDA-MB-231 et LNCaP négatives à ces récepteurs (REα–). On a traité les cellules avec le némorosone seul ou en association avec le 17β-estradiol (E2) ou l’antagoniste des RE, ICI 182,780, un régulateur négatif sélectif de RE qui supprime totalement la transcription des gènes sensibles aux œstrogènes. Le némorosone a inhibé la viabilité des cellules des REα+, mais pas des celles REα–. Dans les cellules MCF-7, le némorosone a inhibé la croissance cellulaires en bloquant le cycle des cellules dans la phase G0/G1. De plus, l’expression! de pERK1/2 et de pAkt, considérée comme caractéristique dans la voie de signalisation des œstrogènes non génomiques, a été diminuée dans les cellules MCF-7 traitées avec le némorosone. Tous ces effets ont été stimulés par ICI 182,780. Toutefois, le némorosone n’a pu interférer avec la libération de Ca2+ induite par E2. Ces résultats donnent à penser que le némorosone pourrait avoir une application thérapeutique dans le traitement du cancer du sein en raison de son activité sur les REα.  

Honey, Propolis Component Induces Cancer Cell death
Chrysin Promotes Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) Induced Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cell Lines

Chrysin exists widely in plants, honey and propolis. The anti-cancer property of chrysin has been demonstrated though the molecular mechanism is not clear.

In this study, we found that pre-treatment with chrysin could promote the cell death induced by TRAIL according to the morphological changes and appearance of sub-G1 peak in four human cancer cell lines.

…The differences between the combination and the untreated or TRAIL alone group were all significant (P<0.05) and dose-dependent effect was obvious. Similar results were obtained in CNE1 cells.

In the search of molecular mechanisms, we found that pre-treatment with chrysin could increase TRAIL-induced degradation of caspase 3, caspase 8, PARP proteins. Z-VAD-fmk, which is a pan-caspase inhibitor, could inhibit the apoptosis enhanced by the combination of chrysin and TRAIL.

All data indicate that chrysin can enhance the apoptosis induced by TRAIL, and the apoptosis is caspase-dependent and related to the activation of caspase 8.
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 대전아줌마
    '11.1.21 1:48 PM

    논문내용인거 같은데..이게 왜 필요하신거에요?? ^^;;
    중간엔 영어 아니라서 잘 모르겠고..혹시 프로폴리스 파시는 분이 상업용으로 쓰시려고 하는건가요?? 도와드릴수는 있지만...이렇게 통째로 올려놓고 번역해주세요 하는건 좀...ㅡㅡ;;

  • 2. 대전아줌마
    '11.1.21 1:54 PM

    위에꺼는 floral resins of Clusia rosea Jacq. 하고..(아마도 장비과 식물인듯..) Cuban propolis(쿠바 프로폴리스)에서 추출한 nemorosone이라는 물질이 유방암세포를 죽이는데 효과가 있다. 그런데 그 기전이 에스트로겐 리셉터를 통해서 약효가 나타나는거 같다. 라는 결론이구요,

  • 3. 대전아줌마
    '11.1.21 2:01 PM

    제일 아래꺼는 TRAIL이라는 물질을 암세포에 처리하면, 세포에서 아폽토시스가 나타나는데(세포가 자연적으로 죽는건데..머..암세포가 없어지는 거하고 연결된다고 보면 되고요..일반적으로 이쪽에서는 그냥 아폽토시스 라고 합니다), 프로폴리스에서 추출한 Chrysin이라는 물질이 그 과정에 함께 처리되면 아폽토시스를 촉진한다는 애기네요.

  • 4. 철리향
    '11.1.21 8:48 PM

    대전아줌마님! 잘 하셨네요.
    구글 번역기로 사용하니 대충 이해는 하겠는데 정확하진 않네요.
    대단해요. ^^;;

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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