드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
영어문장 하나만 봐주세요
여기서 would는 무슨뜻으로 쓰인건가요?
pretend는 to부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사인거죠?
1. ㅏㅏ
'23.1.9 10:59 AM (108.52.xxx.83)Will보다 약한 의미 아닌가요.
2. ..
'23.1.9 11:02 AM (116.121.xxx.209)과거 반복적으로 하던 습관적인 행동.
그녀의 행동의 양태를 말하는 것.3. 뭐 하곤했다
'23.1.9 11:05 AM (116.34.xxx.234)이렇게 받아들이시면 돼요.
4. 몰라요
'23.1.9 11:06 AM (211.250.xxx.112) - 삭제된댓글앞뒤 맥락이 없기 때문에
1. 하곤했다.
2. 할것이다
둘다 가능해요5. ..
'23.1.9 11:07 AM (116.121.xxx.209)pretend는 to부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사인거죠?
~~인체 하다.
그녀는 사진을 찍으려는 듯 하기전에 소리를 지르곤 했지.6. ..
'23.1.9 11:11 AM (106.101.xxx.87)답변들 감사합니다!!
7. ..
'23.1.9 11:21 AM (106.101.xxx.87)한가지 더 궁금한게요
she decided she would take a picture
여기서 would는 무슨뜻으로 쓰인건가요?8. 윤선생
'23.1.9 11:45 AM (119.192.xxx.107)What Is Their Main Difference?
The main difference between 'would' and 'used to' is that 'would' talks about past habits that happened
during a specific time-frame and 'used to' talks about past habits without a specific time frame.
The difference between USED TO and WOULD
The difference between USED TO and WOULD — Trinh Pham, Vietnam
Used to and would are both use to describe something that happened regularly in the past but doesn't happen any longer, as shown in the following two sentences about quitting smoking:
I used to smoke, but I quit last year.
Whenever I craved a cigarette, I would chew gum instead.
However, there are two important differences between used to and would. The first difference is that would should not be used unless it has already been established that the time frame is in the past, while used to does not require this. This example, with used to at the beginning, sounds natural:
I used to watch cartoons every Saturday morning when I was very little. Now I rarely watch TV.
However, when used to is replaced with would, the same example becomes awkward and ungrammatical:
*I would watch cartoons every Saturday morning when I was very little. Now I rarely watch TV.
But if the past time frame is established before would appears, would sounds fine.
When I was little, I would get up and watch cartoons every Saturday morning. Now I rarely watch TV.
The second difference between used to and would is that would is not used with stative verbs such as love, be, understand, and feel. Compare these two sentences with the stative verb love:
When I was a student, I used to love sleeping late on the weekends. (natural and grammatical)
*When I was a student, I would love sleeping late on weekends. (awkward and ungrammatical)
To summarize, the use of would is more restricted than that of used to. Therefore, if you aren't sure which one to use, it's best to choose used to.9. ..
'23.1.9 12:52 PM (116.121.xxx.209)한가지 더 궁금한게요
she decided she would take a picture
여기서 would는 무슨뜻으로 쓰인건가요?
이 문장의 시제는 과거 시제고
과거시점의 기준에서 보았을때 decided한 시점에서 decided의 목적어로 쓰인 명사절인 she would take a picture. 문장이 앞으로 일어나게 될 미래의 일이라 미래조동사 will의 과거형을 사용.
그녀가 사진 찍기로 맘을 먹었데.10. …
'23.1.9 1:28 PM (61.83.xxx.150)과외 하시나 봐요?