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어쩐지 국힘당이 아프간 난민받자고 하더니만

. 조회수 : 4,231
작성일 : 2021-08-22 12:56:56
미국이 아프간 사람들 한국기지로 데려올려나보네요.
IP : 110.70.xxx.216
27 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ...
    '21.8.22 12:57 PM (221.158.xxx.208)

    성조기 흔들던 노인들이 쌍수 들고 길거리로 나올판이네

  • 2. ㅇㅇ
    '21.8.22 12:58 PM (223.38.xxx.198)


    그 기사에서 인용한 WSJ에는
    한국 언급도 없고
    자국내 미군기지 수용건만 있음

  • 3. 잉?
    '21.8.22 12:59 PM (110.70.xxx.216)

    이게 가짜뉴스라고요?


  • 4. ㅇㅇ
    '21.8.22 1:00 PM (210.179.xxx.99) - 삭제된댓글

    박사모들과 국짐지지자들 두 팔 벌려 미국성조기 흔들며 환영행사 하겠네요.

  • 5. . .
    '21.8.22 1:00 PM (223.38.xxx.168)

    가짜뉴스 퍼트리지 마세요.
    그런다고 쿠팡 화재 먹방게이트가 덮어질것 같습니까?

  • 6. ㅇㅇ
    '21.8.22 1:00 PM (223.38.xxx.198)


    WSJ 원문링크

  • 7. ㅇㅇ
    '21.8.22 1:01 PM (223.38.xxx.198)

    원문에는 일본, 한국 언급 없음

    수용 의사 밝힌 13국에 추가로
    미국 내의 미군기지 고려중

  • 8. ...
    '21.8.22 1:02 PM (110.70.xxx.216) - 삭제된댓글

    뭐가 가짜뉴스요?
    국힘당 최고위원이 할말인데요?

    국민의힘 김재원 "정부, 아프간 난민 받아들여야"

  • 9. ..
    '21.8.22 1:04 PM (183.101.xxx.122)

    그러니까 이 정권의 의견은요?
    다들 알잖아요.
    관종들 발언이 중요한게 아니란거.
    180석 의견좀 듣자구요.

  • 10. ..
    '21.8.22 1:04 PM (110.70.xxx.216)

    뭐가 가짜뉴스요?
    국힘당 최고위원이 한말인데요?

    국민의힘 김재원 "정부, 아프간 난민 받아들여야"

  • 11. ..
    '21.8.22 1:05 PM (223.38.xxx.168)

    미국이 아프간 사람들 한국기지로 데려올려나보네요.

    IP : 110.70.xxx.216

    허위사실인줄 알면서도 계속 퍼트려보겠다?

  • 12. ㅇㅇ
    '21.8.22 1:05 PM (223.38.xxx.198)

    김재원 발언과는 별개로

    미국 관리 운운
    국내 미국기지내 난민수용은 가짜뉴스라구요

  • 13. ..
    '21.8.22 1:07 PM (125.185.xxx.53) - 삭제된댓글

    민주당이 국힘당의견 언제부터 들었다고
    떠넘기기 그만 하시구요
    정권잡고 휘두르는 180석 의견좀 들어봅시다
    민주당은 반대인거죠?
    뭐든 민주당 맘대로니까
    국민들 안심해도 되겠네요

  • 14.
    '21.8.22 1:11 PM (182.225.xxx.16)

    5시간 전에 뜬 월저널 기사에 해외미군기지도 고려중이라며 한국 이탈리아 등등 언급되네요.

  • 15. ..
    '21.8.22 1:12 PM (118.32.xxx.104) - 삭제된댓글

    헐 미친..???

  • 16. ......
    '21.8.22 1:12 PM (175.123.xxx.77)

    기사나 제대로 읽어보고 이런 글을 쓰시죠.
    왜 문해력도 떨어지고 한글로 텍스트 작성도 제대로 못 하는 인간들이 이리도 글을 열심히 쓰는지 모르겠어요.
    기사에 보면 미국이 한국 등 여러 나라 미군 기지에 피란민을 대피 시킬 계획을 검토하고 있다는 거잖아요.
    미국에서 주한미군기지에 아프간 피란민들 데려오면 그걸 한국이 어떻게 막습니까?

    미국이랑 혈맹이라면서 미국깃발 휘두르면서 시위하시던 분들이 왜 이러시나요?

  • 17. ..
    '21.8.22 1:18 PM (223.38.xxx.168)

    '21.8.22 1:11 PM (182.225.xxx.16)

    5시간 전에 뜬 월저널 기사에 해외미군기지도 고려중이라며 한국 이탈리아 등등 언급되네요.

    원문 링크 부탁.
    근거를 제시하지 않으면 허위사실 유포입니다.

  • 18. ..
    '21.8.22 1:21 PM (183.101.xxx.122)

    175.123님 한국의 미군기지내 입니다.
    미국이 아니구요.
    미국이 그리한다면 네 하고 받아들이라는건가요?
    미군기지 수용후 그대로 데려갈거냐구 묻고 싶네요.
    그리고 저런 의견을 미국 독단적으로 결정할 문제는
    그러니 힘없는 일부 관종들 말가지고 장난치지말고
    180석 이 정권의 결정이 뭔지 묻는겁니다.

  • 19. 보세요
    '21.8.22 1:21 PM (182.225.xxx.16)


    마지막 문단 두 번째네요. 아깐 월저널 구독 안하면 전문도 못보고, 구글 검색으로도 안잡하더니.

  • 20. 근데 이상한게
    '21.8.22 1:33 PM (182.225.xxx.16)

    월기사도 같은 제목으로 음성기사 기준 2분짜리가 있고 7분짜리가 있는데, 다들 2분짜리 짧은 기사보고들 한국뮤스 가짜다 했나봐요. 물론 저두 그랬구요. 근데 윗님 말씀대로 다시 구글 검색하니 같은 제목으로 7분짜리 긴 월저널 기사가 잡히네요. 거기엔 마지막 두 번째 문단에 한국 등 여러 해외기지도 수용처로 고려 중이라는 말이 나와요.

    7분기사 링크를 저한테 카톡으로 보내봤더니 이상하게 2분 버전 기사로만 뜨네요.

  • 21.
    '21.8.22 1:56 PM (122.36.xxx.160)

    방금 ytn 뉴스 봤는데 자막으로 미국이 한국등 미군기지로 난민수용고려한다는 자막이 지나갔어요.
    미국이 자기들의 책임으로 난민 이송 후에 슬며시 한국이 난민 수용하라고 요구할것 같은 느낌‥ㅠ

  • 22. 아 놔~
    '21.8.22 2:07 PM (180.68.xxx.158)

    미국은 땅도 넓더만,
    왜 때문에 우리나라?
    우리나라 치외법권 지역이지만,
    그래도 그건 아니지 ...

  • 23. .
    '21.8.22 2:11 PM (223.38.xxx.168)


    마지막 문단 두번째 라고 하지 말고
    해당부분을 복사해서 붙여보세요.

    기사 어디에 한국 일본이 나오나

  • 24. ..
    '21.8.22 3:13 PM (183.101.xxx.122)

    223.38은 진짜 보고싶은것만 보는구나.
    국힘당 지지자만 가짜뉴스 달고 돌리는게 아닌거 다 압니다.
    유리한 부분만 발췌해서 여기 글 올리는 지지자들 많아요.
    그런건 안보이죠?

  • 25. ..
    '21.8.22 3:13 PM (183.101.xxx.122)

    루마니아 백신도 그랬죠?

  • 26. 아이고 봐요.
    '21.8.22 3:26 PM (182.225.xxx.16)

    Dulles International Airport, outside of Washington, D.C., is expected to become the central processing site for a surge of Afghan evacuees, officials said.

    Pentagon officials are preparing at least one more U.S. base, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey, to begin to receive Afghan refugees. But as the crisis in Kabul unfolds and other nations have grown wary of housing large numbers of Afghan evacuees, the U.S. has begun taking a harder look at its own facilities in the U.S. and overseas, officials said.

    A tent city is being erected at the New Jersey base and medical supplies, food, water, restrooms, lighting and other equipment are being installed there now, officials said. Evacuees could be there by next week, they said.

    Other bases being studied as potential housing sites include Fort Pickett, Va., Camp Atterbury, Ind., Camp Hunter Liggett, Calif., and Fort Chaffee, Ark. Pentagon officials are also looking at American bases in Japan, Korea, Germany, Kosovo, Bahrain and Italy, officials said.

    The Pentagon earlier had identified Fort Lee, Va., Fort Bliss, Texas, and Fort McCoy in Wisconsin as bases that were to begin housing refugees.

  • 27. 전문 여기 있소
    '21.8.22 3:34 PM (182.225.xxx.16)

    U.S. Considers Ordering Commercial Airlines to Help in Afghan Evacuation
    The Biden administration is making preparations to invoke an emergency civil aviation program, while adding to the number of U.S. bases that can house Afghan evacuees

    Afghans wait to board a U.S. military aircraft in Kabul to leave the country.
    By Gordon Lubold and Alison Sider
    Updated Aug. 21, 2021 6:54 pm ET

    WASHINGTON—The Biden administration is planning a dramatic ramp-up of its airlift from Kabul by making preparations to compel major U.S. airlines to help with the transportation of tens of thousands of evacuees from Afghanistan, while expanding the number of U.S. military bases that could house Afghans.

    The White House is expected to consider activating the Civil Reserve Air Fleet, or CRAF, created in 1952 in the wake of the post-World War II Berlin Airlift, to provide nearly 20 commercial jets from up to five airlines to augment U.S. military efforts to transport Afghan evacuees from bases in the region, according to U.S. officials.

    Officials are considering alternatives for ramping up the evacuation effort, which include expanding the number of bases in the region to reduce overcrowding, officials said, a move that could augment the use of civilian airlines or avert the need for them. Additional military bases in the U.S. also are being designated to provide housing for arriving Afghan evacuees.

    The civilian planes wouldn’t fly in or out of Kabul, which fell to Taliban rule Aug. 15, officials said. Instead, commercial airline pilots and crews would help to ferry the thousands of Afghans and others who are stranded at U.S. bases in Qatar, Bahrain and Germany.

    The involvement of the commercial airliners would relieve the pressure on those bases, which are fast filling up with Afghan evacuees as the U.S. expands efforts to fly them out of the airport in Kabul. Thousands of Afghans at risk of retaliation from the Taliban because of their association with U.S. forces have flooded the airport in the past week.

    Afghanistan Under the Taliban
    As thousands of Afghans tried to flee the country, the Taliban moved to consolidate control while facing protests against their rule.

    Taliban fighters patrol the Afghan capital of Kabul on Saturday as daily life continues.

    People in Kabul line up for their turn at an ATM on Saturday.

    The U.S. Transportation Command, part of the military, has provided an initial notification to airlines that they may be told to implement the reserve fleet, the U.S. officials said. White House, Pentagon and Commerce officials hadn’t yet issued final approvals for its use, and alternative options still could be instituted, the officials said. The possible use of CRAF hasn’t been previously reported.


    In another aviation move, the Transportation Department issued an order Friday granting foreign carriers that wouldn’t otherwise be allowed to land in the U.S. blanket authority to conduct U.S.-government-sponsored evacuation flights to U.S. airports, until Sept. 30.

    Carriers were notified Friday night that CRAF could potentially be activated, according to an industry official. Airlines also have held discussions about voluntary efforts to support the government’s airlift efforts, the official said.

    The administration is considering a Stage 1 implementation of CRAF, involving a limited number of aircraft. A Stage 2 implementation could mean as many as 100 aircraft and could have significant impact on the airline industry, officials said.

    Capital Journal
    Scoops, analysis and insights driving Washington from the WSJ's D.C. bureau.
    An official from U.S. Transportation Command said Saturday that the Defense Department hadn’t yet activated the civilian fleet. “U.S. Transportation Command issued a warning order to U.S. carriers Friday night on the possible activation of CRAF,” said Capt. John Perkins, a spokesman for the command.


    The warning order tells industry of a potential activation of the order but can be rescinded if the additional aircraft aren’t needed, Capt. Perkins said.

    In a message to members, the union that represents flight attendants at United Airlines Holdings Inc. said Saturday that the airline had started the process of allowing flight attendants to bid to work flights under the CRAF program. Pay is typically higher for these flights, union officials said.

    “In order for United to be prepared in the event the United States Department of Defense advises United Airlines CRAF has been activated, bidding for CRAF operations must be undertaken immediately and over a very abbreviated time period,” the union wrote to members.

    The U.S. military has deployed dozens of C-17 cargo aircraft to fly evacuees out of Kabul. Those jets aren’t considered suitable for the long ride over the Atlantic to U.S. bases, officials said. Many have had seats removed to create more space for evacuees and a typical C-17 has only two onboard restrooms.


    Some planes are carrying about 400 people, and one military jet took off with more than 600 evacuees, officials have said. Such conditions, one military official said, are untenable for longer flights.

    “It’s all about increasing velocity and moving the most number of evacuees as quickly and as efficiently as possible,” said the official. “We want to utilize our gray-tail [military] aircraft to take evacuees to Europe and the Middle East, then they will unload there and get aboard these wide-bodied aircraft with 300 or more seats that will more comfortably fly across the pond.”

    CRAF, which was used during U.S. military action in the Middle East in 1990 and 2003, is authorized under the Defense Production Act. That act was used last year to require companies to provide some equipment needed to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, although President Donald Trump had resisted calls from some governors and lawmakers to use it more widely.

    President Biden on Friday said the U.S. has made progress in speeding up the pace of evacuations in recent days.
    U.S. officials said the rarely used CRAF has been under consideration in recent days as a way to relieve crowding at the bases in Qatar, Bahrain and Germany, which have quickly reached capacity and on Friday forced a pause for several hours in evacuation flights out of Kabul.


    Dulles International Airport, outside of Washington, D.C., is expected to become the central processing site for a surge of Afghan evacuees, officials said.

    Pentagon officials are preparing at least one more U.S. base, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey, to begin to receive Afghan refugees. But as the crisis in Kabul unfolds and other nations have grown wary of housing large numbers of Afghan evacuees, the U.S. has begun taking a harder look at its own facilities in the U.S. and overseas, officials said.

    A tent city is being erected at the New Jersey base and medical supplies, food, water, restrooms, lighting and other equipment are being installed there now, officials said. Evacuees could be there by next week, they said.

    Other bases being studied as potential housing sites include Fort Pickett, Va., Camp Atterbury, Ind., Camp Hunter Liggett, Calif., and Fort Chaffee, Ark. Pentagon officials are also looking at American bases in Japan, Korea, Germany, Kosovo, Bahrain and Italy, officials said.

    The Pentagon earlier had identified Fort Lee, Va., Fort Bliss, Texas, and Fort McCoy in Wisconsin as bases that were to begin housing refugees.

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