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human service profession란 용어 아시는 분!!

... 조회수 : 722
작성일 : 2021-03-14 17:24:34

human service profession 이 어떤 분야인가요?

번역중인데... 한국말로 어떤 분야를 말하는지 모르겠어요.

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미리 감사합니다!!!

IP : 183.98.xxx.224
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ..
    '21.3.14 5:39 PM (66.27.xxx.96)


  • 2. ㅇㅇ
    '21.3.14 5:57 PM (116.38.xxx.47)

    인적 서비스 전문직

    이 분야는 광범위하게 정의되며, 문제의 예방과 교정조치에 초점을 맞추고 서비스 모집단의 전반적인 삶의 질을 개선하기 위한 약속을 유지하는, 학제간 지식 기반을 통해 인간의 필요를 충족시키는 목표에 고유하게 접근한다. 인적 서비스 전문직은 직접서비스의 품질은 물론 서비스 제공 전문직 종사자와 기관 간 접근성, 책임성, 조정성 향상을 도모해 서비스 제공체계 개선을 추진하는 직종이다.


  • 3. 용역
    '21.3.14 6:02 PM (217.149.xxx.110)


  • 4. ...
    '21.3.14 6:17 PM (112.214.xxx.223) - 삭제된댓글

    검색이란 걸 좀 하세요.
    입력만 하면 금방 나오는구만...


    "Human services professional" is a generic term for people who hold professional and paraprofessional jobs in such diverse settings as group homes and halfway houses; correctional, intellectual disability, and community mental health centers; family, child, and youth service agencies, and programs concerned with alcoholism, drug abuse, family violence, and aging. Depending on the employment setting and the kinds of clients served there, job titles and duties vary a great deal.So then what is Human Services? The field of Human Services is vast and has many varying definitions, however it can be summed up as the interdisciplinary practice of servicing your fellow human beings, whether individuals or groups such as families or communities in order to alleviate stress and change to help them function at their highest capacity. There are many professions which fall under the umbrella of the Human Services field. They range from medical service providers such as nurses, to Child Welfare Case Workers, Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) and many more. The field of Human Services is one that is focused on helping one’s fellow Human Beings overcome adversity through strength based approaches that empower the recipients to make positive life choices that allow them to reach their full potential. This model is one that can be found at the heart of almost every Human Services profession.

  • 5. ...
    '21.3.14 6:19 PM (112.214.xxx.223)

    검색이란 걸 좀 하세요.
    입력만 하면 금방 나오는구만...


    So then what is Human Services? The field of Human Services is vast and has many varying definitions, however it can be summed up as the interdisciplinary practice of servicing your fellow human beings, whether individuals or groups such as families or communities in order to alleviate stress and change to help them function at their highest capacity. There are many professions which fall under the umbrella of the Human Services field. They range from medical service providers such as nurses, to Child Welfare Case Workers, Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) and many more. The field of Human Services is one that is focused on helping one’s fellow Human Beings overcome adversity through strength based approaches that empower the recipients to make positive life choices that allow them to reach their full potential. This model is one that can be found at the heart of almost every Human Services profession.

  • 6. @@
    '21.3.14 7:05 PM (61.73.xxx.83)

    잘나셨네..검색하면 다나오면 여기다 물으면 안되는거유? 심사가 왜 그리 꼬였을까

  • 7. ...
    '21.3.14 9:37 PM (112.214.xxx.223)

    '21.3.14 7:05 PM (61.73.xxx.83)
    잘나셨네..검색하면 다나오면 여기다 물으면 안되는거유? 심사가 왜 그리 꼬였을까

    댁이 꼬였네 ㅋ

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