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영문 능력자님들 주어를 찾아주세요.

영문 조회수 : 1,093
작성일 : 2020-05-31 21:43:23

Because we agree that the issue of when Dunlea discovered, or should have discovered, that her alleged injuries were caused by Dappen's alleged actions is a question of fact for the jury, we cannot hold as a matter of law that Dunlea ascertained her alleged injuries and their causal link to Dappen's alleged actions more than two years before she asserted her claim, or that her failure to recognize her alleged injuries and the cause of those injuries sooner was unreasonable.

여기서 두번째 줄에 is의 주어와 마지막 줄의 was의 주어를 찾아주세요..

IP : 39.112.xxx.199
5 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ㄷㄷ
    '20.5.31 9:52 PM (223.39.xxx.210)

    is의 주어는 the issue~
    was의 주어는 the cause~


  • 2. ...
    '20.5.31 9:54 PM (125.177.xxx.135) - 삭제된댓글

    is의 주어는 the issue

  • 3. ttm
    '20.5.31 10:13 PM (119.194.xxx.190)

    Because we agree {that the issue(that절의 주어) [of when Dunlea discovered, or should have discovered, that her alleged injuries were caused by Dappen's alleged actions] is(that절의 동사) a question of fact for the jury}, we(문장전체 주어) cannot hold(문장 전체 동사) as a matter of law {that Dunlea(that절의 주어) ascertained(that절의 동사) her alleged injuries and their causal link to Dappen's alleged actions more than two years before she asserted her claim}, or {that her failure(that절 주어) to recognize her alleged injuries and the cause of those injuries sooner was(that절 동사) unreasonable].

  • 4. nnn
    '20.5.31 10:15 PM (14.52.xxx.132) - 삭제된댓글

    that her alleged injuries were caused by Dappen's alleged actions 가 주어 that 절 (명사절자체가 주어)
    that her failure to recognize her alleged injuries and the cause of those injuries sooner 이 자체가 주어 같습니다.

  • 5. 우와..
    '20.5.31 11:26 PM (39.112.xxx.199)


    댓글 주신 세분 모두 모두 감사해요.

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