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문장에서 동사 찾기

.... 조회수 : 780
작성일 : 2020-05-25 10:04:06
Only through its rigorous and extensive application will the value of the model to practitioners and academics alike be determined.

주어 : Only through its rigorous and extensive application
through its rigorous and extensive application will the value of the model to practitioners and academics alike be determined.

주어 : Only through its rigorous and extensive application
동사가 will인가요
IP : 223.39.xxx.83
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1.
    '20.5.25 10:07 AM (115.143.xxx.140)


    the value부터 academics까지

    동사는 will be

  • 2. 도치문임
    '20.5.25 10:09 AM (122.38.xxx.224)

    Only through its rigorous and extensive application will the value of the model to practitioners and academics alike be determined.

    주어..the value of the model to practitioners and academics alike
    동사..will be determined

    순서대로 써 보면..
    the value of the model to practitioners and academics alike/ will be determined /only through its rigorous and extensive application.

  • 3. ...
    '20.5.25 10:17 AM (223.39.xxx.83)


    여기서 왜 will이 앞으로 갔나요?

  • 4. 도치시에는
    '20.5.25 10:19 AM (122.38.xxx.224)

    조동사가 먼저 나가요.

  • 5. ...
    '20.5.25 10:22 AM (223.39.xxx.83)

    감사합니다. 좋은 하루되세요

  • 6. ....
    '20.5.25 11:25 AM (110.11.xxx.8)

    부정어와 Only 부사구는 같은거라고 보시면 됩니다. 부정어 도치 범위안에 들어가요.

  • 7. 도치구문?
    '20.5.25 11:33 AM (163.152.xxx.57)

    the value of the model to practitioners and academics alike .. 가 주어
    부사구가 있어서 조동사랑 주어 도치

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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