오사카시장, 여자는 우유부단하고 "시간을 많이 잡아먹기" 때문에
코로나 위기동안 남자가 장봐야 한다고 말해 비난을 사고 있다.
팬데믹 긴급사태가 선포된 일본은, 일부 지역에서 대인접촉을 줄이기 위해
장보는 횟수를 줄이고 한 가정에서 한명만 대표로 장보러 갈것을 요구하고 있다.
교도 통신에 따르면, 마쓰이 이치로 오사카 시장은 여자들이 장볼때 여기저기 둘러보고
"이걸 살까 저걸 살까 고민하느라 시간이 오래 걸리니까" 남자들이 장보게 해야한다고 기자들에게 말했다.
"남자들은 필요한(적어준) 물건만 얼른 찾아서 나가니까
남자가 장을 봐야 대인접촉을 줄일 수 있다"고 56세 오사카 시장은 말했다.
1시간 전, 가디언발 요지경속보예요.
일본은 아직도 뭣이 중한지를 모르네. 대규모검사, 동선추적, 의료진보호, 의료붕괴 막는게 먼저인것을..
Japan mayor under fire for saying ‘women dawdle at shops’
The mayor of Japan’s Osaka has come under fire for suggesting men should do grocery shopping during the coronavirus outbreak because women are indecisive and “take a long time”, Agence France=Presse writes.
Japan is under a state of emergency over the pandemic, and residents in some areas have been asked to shop less frequently and only send one family member out to get supplies to limit contact.
Osaka Mayor Ichiro Matsui told reporters on Thursday that men should be entrusted with grocery runs because women “take a long time as they browse around and hesitate about this and that,” Kyodo news agency reported.
“Men can snap up things they are told (to buy) and go, so I think it’s good that they go shopping, avoiding human contact,” the 56-year-old added.
When challenged by a reporter, he acknowledged his remarks might be viewed as out-of-touch, but said they were true in his family.
But online he was roundly condemned, with one Twitter user accusing him of being “disrespectful to women and men.”
Another dubbed his comment “full of prejudice against women,” adding “there are indecisive men and nimble and sharp women.”
“Does he think (shoppers) like to take time?” added a third. “They are thinking about menus and prices.”
Despite its highly educated female population, Japan ranked 121 out of 153 countries in the World Economic Forum’s 2020 gender gap index, primarily because of its poor showing in political representation.
Traditional gender roles are still deeply rooted in Japanese society and women are often still expected to take primary responsibility for childcare and domestic chores, even while holding down professional jobs.