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뉴욕타임즈에 조국수호집회 기사 떴네요

ㅇㅇㅇ 조회수 : 2,582
작성일 : 2019-10-06 16:52:43

영어 무식자라 뭔 소린지 모르겠지만 좋은 얘긴 아닌거 같네여.

......it was Moon's government that empowered Prosecutor-General Yoon Seok-yeol after he led the criminal investigation against Park, and the liberals only began complaining after Yoon opened an investigation into Cho's family following complaints filed by opposition lawmakers.
Moon, who encouraged Yoon to "strictly" investigate any wrongdoing by the government or ruling party when appointing him as top prosecutor in July, has stood firmly by Cho.
IP : 125.179.xxx.192
13 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 자세하게
    '19.10.6 5:00 PM (122.38.xxx.224)


  • 2. 자유
    '19.10.6 5:01 PM (14.32.xxx.163)

    뭐 좋지도 나쁘지도 않고 현상을 그대로 설명했어요.
    적폐수사를 위해 윤석열에게 힘을 실어준 문정부가 조장관 가족을 수사하자 불평하기 시작했는데 문대통령이 윤을 검찰총장으로 임명할때는 정부여당의 불법도 엄정하게 수사해야 한다고 격려했었다는 것.
    그리고 현재 한국이 경제적 문제나 북한 문제 등으로 이미 아주 깊게 갈라져 있다는 것 등등.

  • 3. 저런
    '19.10.6 5:06 PM (115.40.xxx.187)

    집회 촛불 사진이 백미인데.. 현장 사진이 빠졌네요.

  • 4. 한국검찰의 문제도
    '19.10.6 5:06 PM (122.38.xxx.224)

    썼고...노무현을 죽음에 이르게 한것도 썼고..

    In South Korea, prosecutors have exclusive authority to indict and seek warrants for criminal suspects and exercise control over police investigative activities. They can also directly initiate criminal investigations even when there's no complaint.

    Critics say such powers are excessive and have prompted past conservative governments to use the prosecution as a political tool to suppress opponents and carry out vendettas. Moon's supporters often cite the tragic case of former liberal President Roh Moo-hyun, Moon's political mentor, who leaped to his death in 2009 after prosecutors under the government of his conservative successor Lee Myung-bak pushed an aggressive investigation into corruption allegations surrounding his family.

  • 5. 이거네.
    '19.10.6 5:08 PM (119.202.xxx.98) - 삭제된댓글


  • 6. 윗댓글은
    '19.10.6 5:14 PM (122.38.xxx.224)

    사진갖고 링크 걸었네..기사내용은 똑같은데 사진은 태극기모독부대를 넣었긴 했는데..반대편 시위도 있다는것만 보여주는거고...내용은 뉴욕타임이랑 같음..

  • 7. ...
    '19.10.6 5:56 PM (122.45.xxx.128)

    아무래도 둘다 한국 기레기 혹은 그 과 사람들의 소스로 적다보니 뉘앙스가 좀 그렇죠. 사진도 정부지지 집회에 대한 기사를 쓰면서 저사진을 넣은 것도 그렇고 뉴욕타임즈는 아예 사진도 안넣고.. 특파원 직접 취재가 아니고 ap통신 김동형인지 뭔지 하는 사람거 받아쓴 글

  • 8. ...
    '19.10.6 6:08 PM (122.45.xxx.128) - 삭제된댓글

    Wp기사에 댓글 달았네요 사진 잘못썼다고
    Wrong picture is used. The picture used was from opposition party’s anti government rally. Should’ve used the candlelight rally by more than a million of people who want justice and fair investigation

  • 9. ...
    '19.10.6 6:12 PM (122.45.xxx.128) - 삭제된댓글

    Wp기사에 댓글 달았네요 사진 잘못썼다고
    Wrong picture is used. The picture used is from the opposition party’s anti government rally. Should’ve used the one from the candlelight rally by more than a million people who want justice and fair investigation

  • 10. ...
    '19.10.6 6:12 PM (122.45.xxx.128) - 삭제된댓글

    공감하시는 분은 좋아요 눌러주심 더 좋지요

  • 11. 뚜벅이
    '19.10.6 6:18 PM (122.45.xxx.128)

    Wp기사에 댓글 달았네요 사진 잘못썼다고
    Wrong picture is used. The picture used is from the opposition party’s anti government rally. Should’ve used the one from the candlelight rally by more than a million people who want justice and fair investigation

    공감하시는 분은 좋아요 눌러주심 더 좋겠습니다.

    뉴욕타임즈는 댓글 쓰는 난을 못찾겠네요

  • 12. 향원익청
    '19.10.6 9:43 PM (59.22.xxx.134)

    This conversation is moderated according to The Post's community rules. Please read the rules before joining the discussion.

    Send feedback about the comments section here.

    1 hour ago

    3 hours ago
    Wrong picture is used. The picture used is from the opposition party’s anti government rally. Should’ve used the one from the peaceful candlelight rally by more than a million people who want justice and fair investigation

  • 13. 향원익청
    '19.10.6 9:44 PM (59.22.xxx.134)

    뚜벅이님. 링크따라 들어가보니 코멘트가 있네요. 좋아요 눌렀는데 표시가 안되는것 보니 로그인해야 하는듯합니다.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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