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마음 가는 대로 선곡 31

snowmelt 조회수 : 666
작성일 : 2018-05-22 03:26:07
현인 - 비가 온다

현인 - 나포리 맘보

Metallica - Nothing Else Matters

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La Long)

Alpha Blondy - Coco de Rasta

Trio Töykeät - Gadd A Tea?

Rainbow - The Temple Of The King

Derek & Dominos - Layla

Bob Dylan - One More Cup Of Coffee

Tesla - Love Song

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child

Ozzy Osboune - Goodbye To Romance

Allman Brothers Band - Statesboro Blues

Roy Buchanan - The Messiah Will Come Again

Led Zeppelin - Going To California

Prince - Purple Rain

김준기-사랑은 가도 추억은

공일오비-수필과 자동차

The NEQ - Dal (달)

조월 - Stay

Charlie Brown Ensemble - Happiness

Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man

Miami Sound Machine - Conga

菊池桃子(키쿠치 모모코) - Ocean Side

Sheku Kanneh-Mason - M.T.파라디스: Sicilienne / G.포레: Après un Rêve / F.슈베르트: Ave Maria

Raury - CPU (ft. RZA)

Gina Bachauer - 라흐마니노프: 13개의 전주곡 Op.32 10번 내림나단조 - 렌토

조선국립교향악단 - 윤이상: 교향시 "광주여 영원히!"
IP : 125.181.xxx.34
1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. snowmelt
    '18.5.22 3:26 AM (125.181.xxx.34)

    I'm so happy.
    That little red-headed girl dropped her pencil.
    It has teeth marks all over it.
    She nibbles her pencil.
    She's human!

    I guess it hasn't been such a bad day after all.

    Happiness is finding a pencil
    Knowing a secret
    Telling the time
    Happiness is learning to whistle
    Tying your shoe for the very first time
    Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band
    And happiness is walking hand in hand

    Happiness is two kinds of ice cream
    Pizza with sausage
    Climbing a tree
    Happiness is five different crayons
    Catching a firefly
    Setting him free
    Happiness is being alone every now and then
    And happiness is coming home again

    Happiness is morning and evening
    Daytime and nighttime too
    For happiness is anyone and anything at all
    That's loved by you

    Happiness is having a sister
    Sharing a sandwhich
    Getting along
    Happiness is singing together when day is through
    And happiness is those who sing with you

    Happiness is morning and evening
    Daytime and nighttime too
    For happiness is anyone and anything at all
    That's loved by you

    You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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