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영어 번역 좀 부탁드려요

... 조회수 : 532
작성일 : 2018-01-11 16:16:57
5일전에 취소 안 해서 안 돌려준다는 말인가요?
아님 아예 안 돌려 주나는 말인지요?
In response to your inquiry,

As established in
Núm.192 page 64 Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía October 5, 2016:

"Individuals who have previously purchased an entrance to the Monumental Complex of
The Alhambra and the Generalife, as well as their assigned assets, without the need of an Authorized Agent, may request their cancellation and refund of the same price provided that it is made prior to the 5 days prior to the visit and has not already been made. the impression of it. Once said period has elapsed or once the entry ticket or ticket has been printed, the cancellation and refund of the price thereof will not be made, except in the following cases:
- When it has not been possible to make the visit due to causes attributable to the Board of the Alhambra and
- When there is a serious and unforeseeable circumstance or due to force majeure,
documentary justified, as far as possible, that prevents the visit.

In no case will refund the amount of the commission for management that has been established in the reservation management and ticket sales system
IP : 211.209.xxx.212
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. Zrr
    '18.1.11 4:25 PM (175.223.xxx.117) - 삭제된댓글

    상대방 측 귀책사유나 불가항력이 발생하지 않는 이상 예약알짜 5일 전에 취소하지 않으면 예약취소 및 환불이 불가능하다고 하네요.

  • 2. Zrr
    '18.1.11 4:26 PM (175.223.xxx.117)

    상대방 측 귀책사유나 불가항력이 발생하지 않는 이상 예약날짜 5일 전에 취소하지 않으면 예약취소 및 환불이 불가능하다고 하네요..

  • 3. 덧붙여
    '18.1.11 4:54 PM (67.40.xxx.181)

    5일 전에 취소하는 것 외에도 티켓을 이미 프린트했으면 환불 불가래요.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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