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Deik 무선 청소기 써보신 분
월요일 아침에 조회수 : 1,089
작성일 : 2017-11-16 15:30:28
한국 돌아갈때 dyson v8 absolute를 사갈까 했는데 훨씬 저렴하고 평은 괜찮은 제품을 봤어요.
https://www.amazon.com/Deik-Cordless-High-power-Long-lasting-Lightweight/dp/B0... vacuum&psc=1
deik라고 제게는 다소 생소한 상표인데 사용해보신 분 있을까요? 한국의 마루나 장판 청소에도 효과적일지요?
다이슨은 프리볼트여서 한국에서도 사용가능하다고 하던데
제품 설명에는 이렇게 나와 있고
Deik Vacuum Cleaner, 2 in 1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, Upright Vacuum Cleaner with High-power Long-lasting, 22.2V Lithium Ion Lightweight Canister Stick Vacuum
이 제품 Q & A 란에 보니 다음과 같이 되어 있어요. 한국의 220V에서도 사용 가능한가요?
Q: Is the charger support 220v??
A: After looking at the manual and the adapter label. It asapter says it has a input of 120 to 240v and 50/60hz. I would think a prong adapter is all you would need. The manual does not mention using it outside of the USA. It seems to be well designed and is very powerful. I use it all the time as it is very handy and portable.
By Mark Chapoton on August 20, 2017
See other answers
Customer questions & answers
Q: the charger voltage? will it work on 220v
A: Thanks for your support for deik vacuum cleaner.Yes,the voltage for this battery is 22.2V.
By Funnyhome-US on July 4, 2017
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