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영어 못해서 창피하네요. 이거 스팸메일 맞나요?

도움 부탁 조회수 : 1,625
작성일 : 2011-09-14 08:08:47





I am Barrister Chew Chi Thai, an attorney at law.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring a huge sum of  5.6 us dollar immediately to your account.

I will send you full details on how the Project will be executed; it is my assurance that this proposition will be successful and that I will make sure that the proposition is done within the applicable laws to guarantee full legitimacy.

All legal documents to back up your claim as my client's Close Relative will be provided by me. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. However, if this proposition offends your moral values, do accept my apology.
Please contact me at once to indicate your interest. Do understand that this proposition does require utmost confidence and you should keep this mail to yourself not withstanding if you are rejecting the transaction or accepting it. Note that I reserve the right to reject your acceptance of this proposal if I have reasons to believe that you may not be honest or discreet as it concerns this proposition. Further details will be giving as soon as your interest is indicated.

Barr.Chew Chi Thai.

IP : 119.200.xxx.142
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 네..
    '11.9.14 8:25 AM (147.4.xxx.146)

    스팸이네요. 그냥 돈준다고..ㅡㅡ;

  • 2. 원글
    '11.9.14 8:26 AM (119.200.xxx.142)

    윗님 고맙습니다.
    대략 한 문장으로 요약하자면 어떤 문장이 나올까요?

  • 3. 네..
    '11.9.14 8:33 AM (147.4.xxx.146)

    사업 제안 같은건데요. 원글님 통장에 5.6달러?ㅡㅡ 바로 입금해준다고...합법적인 사업이라고 자기가 보증한답니다..자기가 법적 서류는 다 준비할꺼고 협조만 잘하라고...(무슨 사업인지는 끝까지 말이 없어요..)

  • 4. 원글
    '11.9.14 8:41 AM (119.200.xxx.142)

    와우 윗님 감사합니다.
    좋은 하루되세요^^

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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