This residential lease agreement has been settledbetween landlord name: __본인이름__and tenant name: __학생이름__on this day of: __2017.07.14__for the period of: __2017.8.14 ~2018.1.10__.
The Landlord__본인이름__ has received the down payment of 1,000,000 won fromthe tenant _ 학생이름__ on __2017.07.14. and has agreed to lease the dwelling located at __주소__ to the tenant _학생이름_.
The conditionsof this residential rental agreement are below:
· No deposit fee is required for Tenant _학생이름__.
· Tenant _학생이름__ will pay Landlord _본인이름_ a monthly rent of _600,000_ won in advance and due on the __페이날짜 예) 5th__ day of each month during the Term.
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