친구의 친구분께서 고려대 안암병원에 있다고 합니다.
물론 저는 모르는분이시지만 이역만리 타지에 오셔서 혈액을 못구해 위급한 상황이라고 합니다
부디 널리 공유해 주시어 위급한 한친구에게 도움을 주세요
보호자는 Victor 라고 합니다
연락처와 병원은
Thomas Robb, 고려대 안암병원, 01039144352
아래는 메시지 원본
"Message from Victor (in the Irish Association):
My friend is in a critical condition in hospital.
His chances of survival are very low and lower still without sufficient supplies of rhesus negative A.
It's a rare enough blood type but rarer still in Asia. The hospital are willing to to break convention by allowing donations from banned countries (BSE-related) so long as the donation is done at Korea University Anam Hospital. If you could share this message in your groups, Seoul gaels, university or whatever pages...
We want to get this guy home to his wife and kid.
My number...