13만원일당시에도 곧 내릴거다, 사는 가격 파는 가격 생각하면 투자로서 실효없다하면서
못 샀는데 어쩌나 해서요
13만원일당시에도 곧 내릴거다, 사는 가격 파는 가격 생각하면 투자로서 실효없다하면서
못 샀는데 어쩌나 해서요
As anticipated, gold is getting whacked. But what kind of whack is it?
To speculators on the wrong side of the trade, it was catastrophic. But was it serious? Maybe. Maybe not.
We’ve already given you our big prediction on gold. No point in saying anymore.
The bull market in gold began at the end of the ’90s. It will keep going until the price of gold intersects the price of the Dow. Currently, the Dow is over 10,000...and going up. Yesterday, it rose 143 points.
Gold, meanwhile, is going down. December contracts lost $104 yesterday. At one point, the spot price was down $150. It now costs less than $1,800 to buy an ounce of the stuff.
So, there’s still a WIDE gap between the Dow and gold, and it’s getting wider. Will it ever close? Who knows? But that’s our bet. And if we’re even close we’ll call it a success.
Because what it tells us is that the movements in gold and in stocks are long and big. And if you want to make real money, you focus on these big movements, not in the day to day price frenzy.
The way we see it, the time to get into stocks was in August 1982. Or anytime in the ’80s. Stocks went up for years...until the Dow finally peaked in January 2000. It had gained more than 1,000% — a 10 bagger, as investors like to say.
But then what? Then, forget stocks. January 2000 was the time to get into gold. There was a bust in the stock market in the early ’00s...followed by intervention from the feds...which led to a huge bubble. That bubble blew up in ’08-’09...sawing the Dow almost in half. Since then, another more massive meddling by the feds has moved the Dow back up. But to where? Around the same place it cracked 11 years ago.
In other words, for all the sturm and drang in the stock market over the last 11 years, investors have made nothing. Not even nothing. Less than nothing. A barrel of oil was $25 in 2000. Now, it’s over $80. More than 3 times as much. Prices have gone up for everything...while the stock market investor has not a penny more than he had when Bill Clinton left the White House.
The gold buyer, on the other hand, has 5 times as much money — even after yesterday’s big whack.
He who laughs last laughs best.
Yesterday, stock market investors got to laugh at the gold bugs. It’s time they had a chuckle. They’ve waited years for it. And our guess is that they’ll have plenty more laughs in the months...and years...ahead.
Because this is no place for a gold bug. Not really. We are fastened to a whole herd of dying animals — the credit expansion...the housing decline...Keynesian economic theory...the dollar-based monetary system...the social welfare political model...the bankrupt empire...the declining marginal utility of military force, debt and oil...and all those dying generations themselves. And we could probably think of more! All of them, in their dotage, will drag down prices...including, perhaps, even the price of gold.
We will have to wait for these wretched things to die. Then, when they are out of their misery and out of the way...or brushed aside by a desperate Fed...the next stage of gold’s bull market can begin.
저는 그냥 카피만 했구요.
영어가 넘 어려워용~
저 긴영어를 해석할줄아는사람이 몇이나 된다고...본인이 읽고있는거라고 달랑 영어만 올리는 분...자랑하고싶으신건지 의도를 모르겠네요.
지금은 금에 투자할 때가 아니라는 내용인 듯....
현 상황은 결국 금의 가격조차 끌어내리고 말 거라는.
그냥 하나의 의견인 듯하니 참고는 하되 너무 믿지는 마세요.
제가 보기엔 그닥 신뢰가 갈 만하거나 논리적인 글은 아닌 것 같아요.
번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 날짜 | 조회 |
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12067 | 강남역근처 피부과,,, 토닝 얼마인가요,,?? | @@ | 2011/09/06 | 1,804 |
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