당신의 책을 보게 된게 얼마나 감사한일인지...
이런 뉘앙스로 표현하고자 해요
how grateful I read your book 이렇게 하면 될까요?
당신의 책을 보게 된게 얼마나 감사한일인지...
이런 뉘앙스로 표현하고자 해요
how grateful I read your book 이렇게 하면 될까요?
How grateful it is to have read your book.
I feel so grateful reading your book.
이정도가 아닐까요?
how grateful I am for having read your book.으로 하시거나..
I can not thank you enough how grateful I'm for having read your book 표현도 생각해보세요.
I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for this great book.
How much I appreciate what I have read your book.
I feel great to read your book.