드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
외국인아이들에게 배식을하는데 영어좀 알려주세요.
2.소고기 들어있는데 먹을수있니?
3.어떤 음식 좋아하니?
4.널 도와주려고 했는데 나때문에 꾸중들었니?
매번 고맙습니다82님들께.........^^
1. 조심조심
'16.11.22 6:09 PM (221.138.xxx.41)잘 못하는 영어지만 그래도 의미 전달은 되지 않을까 해서 올려봅니다. 영어 더 잘하시는 분들이 고쳐주실 거예요. ㅎ
마음이 참 따뜻하세요.
1. Wasn't there anything to eat for you today, again?
2. It has some beef in it. Can you eat it?
3. What kind of food do you like?
4. I was just tring to help you. Did you get some trouble because of me?2. ㅇ
'16.11.22 6:28 PM (175.252.xxx.230) - 삭제된댓글1. Nothing to eat today also? (?)
2. There's beef inside. Can you eat?
3. What's your favorite food?
4. I tried to help you but were you scolded with it?3. ㅇ
'16.11.22 6:29 PM (175.252.xxx.230) - 삭제된댓글1. Nothing to eat today also? (?)
2. There's beef inside. Can you eat it?
3. What's your favorite food?
4. I tried to help you but were you scolded with it?4. ㅇ
'16.11.22 6:31 PM (175.252.xxx.230) - 삭제된댓글1. Is there nothing to eat today also? (?)
2. There's beef inside. Can you eat it?
3. What's your favorite food?
4. I tried to help you. But were you scolded with it?5. 원글
'16.11.22 7:03 PM (203.254.xxx.122)이렇게 지나치지않고 소중한댓글주신 조심조심님이랑 ㅇ님 너무 감사드려요~~^^
잘 기억하고 암기해서 사용하겠습니다.6. ....
'16.11.22 8:36 PM (211.232.xxx.48)조심님이 아주 잘 알려주시네요.
그런데 1번을 살짝 바꿔 말할 수도 있을 꺽 같아요.
Wasn't there anything you can eat today again?7. 민들레홀씨
'16.11.23 1:13 AM (63.86.xxx.30)저희 애들이 미국에서 초등다닐때 한국에 대해 소개할때 만두를 구워가곤 햇어요...그때 고민하던 문구들이라 옛날생각나네요. 아마 아래와 같이 말하면 될거예요. 따뜻한 원글님 마음이 전해지길 바래요~~~
1. hope you can find something to eat today honey!
2. I just wanna let you know that there is beef inside, is it OK?
3. what kind of food do you like 또는 what's your favorite one? I will try my best to make it for you next time.
4. I was just trying to help you out..... I hope you did not get in trouble with it.