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이메일 영작문 좀 부탁드립니다

.. 조회수 : 481
작성일 : 2016-08-30 12:51:46
시간 널널하고 심심하신 분은 제 이메일 영작문 좀 해주세요
저는 토익 토플 공부해본 기억조차 가물가물한지라

디어 잡것들아
나는 한국에 사는 누구라한다
2014.10.21에 니들 A키보드를 구입해서 지금까지 사용하고있다
작년부터 아주 이따금 스페이스바가 먹통이 되면 키보드를 들고 뒤집은 후 살짝 흔들은 다음에 도로 놓으면 
정상작동되곤했다. 며칠전 그렇게 한번 했더니 스페이스바뿐만아니라 다른 키 몇개도 아예 먹통이 되버렸다. 
아마도 키 하나하나는 이상이 없고 다만 키보드 내부에 뭔가가 잘못된걸로 생각한다
한국에서는 니들 키보드를 수리할줄 아는 인간들이 없는거같다. 이거  AS 가능한가? 

이미 2012-07-12에도 B키보드를 구입했는데 2년만에 똑같은 고장 증상으로 AS 포기하고 용도폐기처분했다. 
그래서 2014년에 니들 A키보드를 다시 구입한거다. 이건 우연이라거나 뽑기운같은게 아니라 
니들 키보드는 수명이 딱 2년짜리라 생각하지않을수없다. 미국놈들은 이지스함이나 스텔스기는 잘만들면서 
키보드는 왜 이따구인지 모르겠다
만약 AS 가능하다면 보내는 주소와 기타 내게 당부해야할 사항...등을 적어서 이메일로 보내줘라
니들에게 국제운송료까지 요구하지는 않겠지만 니들이 양심적으로 AS는 무상으로 해줘야한다
신시얼리유어즈다 잡것들아

IP : 118.44.xxx.166
12 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 니가
    '16.8.30 12:52 PM (112.216.xxx.242)

    번역기라도 돌려라

  • 2.
    '16.8.30 12:56 PM (223.62.xxx.107)


  • 3.
    '16.8.30 12:56 PM (223.62.xxx.107) - 삭제된댓글


  • 4.
    '16.8.30 12:56 PM (223.17.xxx.89)

    왤케 웃겨요

  • 5. ..
    '16.8.30 12:58 PM (118.44.xxx.166)

    번역기는 문장이 정밀하게 안됩니다요

  • 6. 헉.
    '16.8.30 1:12 PM (211.255.xxx.193)

    간단하게 1-2줄도 아니고 ㅎㅎ
    농담이죠? ㅎㅎ

  • 7. 내휴식시간돌려내
    '16.8.30 2:15 PM (116.37.xxx.133) - 삭제된댓글

    그냥 지나갈래다가 말투가 참 찰져서 해준다.
    쓰잘데기 없는 건 뺏으니까 일단 그냥 이렇게만 보내.
    양키들은 지네들 잘못이라 생각하면 덤으로 키보드 몇 개 더 언져주는 애들이니까
    쌍욕은 나중에 해도 늦지 않아.

    Dear 회사이름 Customer Service

    Hello, I'm 너이름 from South Korea.
    I've been using A키보드모델명 since Oct. 21th, 2014.

    Last year the space bar suddenly stopped working.
    So I lifted it up, turned it upside down, shaked it slightly, and then it WORKED!
    Since then I've repeated it when the space bar doesn't function well.

    But a few days ago, as I tried it once, some keys on my keyboard are DEAD.
    I think there's something wrong inside the keyboard.(but every single key might be okay)
    Unfortunately I can't fix it here in South Korea.
    Can I have any Customer Support available?

    In fact, this is my second keyboard.
    My first keyboard was your B키보드모델명 which I bought on Sep. 12th, 2012.
    I dumped it for the exact same malfunction two years ago and I purchased the new one, A키보드모델명.
    And now, I can't help thinking that your keyboards CAN'T LAST MORE THAN 2 YEARS.
    I just want to know why all these happen to me.

    Sincerely yours,


  • 8. 언져주다 -> 얹어주다
    '16.8.30 2:21 PM (116.37.xxx.133) - 삭제된댓글

    오타가 에잇

  • 9. 군자란
    '16.8.30 2:38 PM (76.183.xxx.179) - 삭제된댓글

    ㅎㅎㅎ......발번역도 괜찮으시다면.

    Dear Manager of Customer Service Dept.

    I bought your keyboards twice in Jul 12 2012 and Oct 21 2014.
    As one of your royal clients, I found out a critical mechanic problem on your keyboards repeatedly.
    (Abnormal malfunction of space bar)

    If your company has any interest on improvement of quality control and good reliability for your products,
    I'll return it to the designated address for your research and analysis.

    For your consideration, the picture of my keyboard and serial number will be attached at the end of this letter.

    Early reply and replacement with a NEW keyboard for my inconvenience will be appreciated.

    Sincerely yours.

    원글님 성함.
    원글님 주소.
    원글님 이멜 주소.

    (serial number or model number)

  • 10. ...
    '16.8.30 4:59 PM (125.128.xxx.114)

    얼마나 화가 나셨으면......

  • 11. 민들레홀씨
    '16.8.31 4:18 AM (63.86.xxx.30) - 삭제된댓글

    Dear 잡것,
    My name is 순희, a loyal customer in Korea.
    Initially I had purchased a keyboard on last 7/12/2012, but I trashed it after 2 years with the same problem what I got now. After that, I made another purchase with keyboard on 10/21/2014.
    Now, it went wrong again and I have no idea where to get a service here in Korea.
    The problem is come mainly from the space bar.
    Whenever I had a problem, I used to make it back on working by turning it over and shaking it.
    It happened last week again, and I did it but this time it went worse and not only with the space bar problem but with keyboard as well.
    I don’t know why this kind of same problem keeps on coming back on.
    Anyhow, since I have no idea with customer service site in Korea, I wonder if you can help me out to find it or if there is any chance to expect a service from you directly.
    I’d appreciate it if you can help me in either way; if I can get a service from you, please provide me with the address where to ship and detailed information.
    Your immediate, appropriate action would be highly appreciated.

    Sincerely Yours,

  • 12. 민들레홀씨
    '16.8.31 4:20 AM (63.86.xxx.30)

    Dear 잡것,
    My name is 순희, a loyal customer in Korea.
    Initially I had purchased a keyboard on last 7/12/2012, but I trashed it after 2 years with the same problem what I got now. After that, I made another purchase with keyboard on 10/21/2014.
    Now, it went wrong again and I have no idea where to get a service here in Korea.
    The problem is coming mainly from the space bar.
    Whenever I had a problem, I used to make it back on working by turning it over and shaking it.
    It happened last week again, and I did it but this time it went worse not only with the space bar problem but with the keyboard as well.
    I don’t know why this kind of same problem keeps on coming back on.
    Anyhow, since I have no idea with customer service site in Korea, I wonder if you can help me out to find it or if there is any chance to expect a service from you directly.
    I’d appreciate it if you can help me in either way; if I can get a service from you, please provide me with the address where to ship and detailed information.
    Your immediate, appropriate action would be highly appreciated.

    Sincerely Yours,

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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