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맘에없는소리 하지마라...영어로

55 조회수 : 2,306
작성일 : 2016-08-18 20:03:34
어떻게할까요..가까움사이에 가볍게 할수없을까요?
IP : 92.40.xxx.195
10 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 대략
    '16.8.18 8:10 PM (121.168.xxx.123)

    Don't say anything that's not coming from your own will .
    Don't speaks to others what is quite apart from you real motive .

  • 2. 대략
    '16.8.18 8:12 PM (121.168.xxx.123)

    You talk one thing and means another.

  • 3. ex
    '16.8.18 8:22 PM (121.100.xxx.25) - 삭제된댓글

    Don't say things you don't mean.

  • 4. ...
    '16.8.18 8:23 PM (14.138.xxx.57) - 삭제된댓글

    don't say things you don't mean

  • 5. txt
    '16.8.18 8:26 PM (82.45.xxx.102) - 삭제된댓글

    (I know that )You don't mean it.
    보통 앞에 괄호 안은 생략해서 얘기하죠.

  • 6. ex
    '16.8.18 8:45 PM (121.100.xxx.25) - 삭제된댓글

    I know you didn't mean it though. 네가 그런 뜻이 아니였다는/일부러 그런게 아닌걸 을 안다

  • 7. ...
    '16.8.18 8:56 PM (223.62.xxx.100)

    혹시 진심이 아니라 예의상 칭찬하는것처럼 느껴질 때
    You are just saying that. 이라고 함.

  • 8. ex
    '16.8.18 9:35 PM (121.100.xxx.25) - 삭제된댓글

    you're just saying that

    how you respond when someone gives you a false compliment/says something out of politeness and you want to let them know you're onto them. can be said either jokingly or seriously.

    often followed by a) "I really mean it!" or b) a lengthier explanation comprised of dead air and bs.

    a) girl 1: OMG you look so fabulous in that dress!
    girl 2: aww, hon i know you're just saying that!
    girl 1: no babe, i really mean it!

    b) boy: i love you.
    girl: puhleeze, you're just saying that.
    boy: boo, i love you like the stars and the moon and the sun... (continued bullshit)

  • 9. ex
    '16.8.18 9:36 PM (121.100.xxx.25) - 삭제된댓글

    You're just saying that.

    how you respond when someone gives you a false compliment/says something out of politeness and you want to let them know you're onto them. can be said either jokingly or seriously.

    often followed by a) "I really mean it!" or b) a lengthier explanation comprised of dead air and bs.

    a) girl 1: OMG you look so fabulous in that dress!
    girl 2: aww, hon i know you're just saying that!
    girl 1: no babe, i really mean it!

    b) boy: i love you.
    girl: puhleeze, you're just saying that.
    boy: boo, i love you like the stars and the moon and the sun... (continued bullshit)

  • 10.
    '16.8.18 11:03 PM (188.29.xxx.35)


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