예를 들어 자동차, 반도체 같은 산업이 원자재 취급 기업보다 소비자에게 가까우니 전방산업으로 불리고
upstream 이라고 한다, 라는 내용을 보았는데요.
아래와 같이 영어 정의를 찾아보니, 의미가 반대같아서요..
Upstream industries
Industrial firms that process the basic or raw material into an intermediary product which is converted into finished product by the downstream industries. For example, petroleum processors who refine crude oil into intermediary chemicals which are converted into plastics by other industries, and farmers or growers whose produceis used by agro-processors.
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/upstream-industries.html#ixzz419...