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급해요)혹시 아까 아마존 도움부탁드렸는데..해결이 될것 같기도 한 메일을 받았어요~

^^ 조회수 : 830
작성일 : 2015-11-11 00:28:16

아마존에서 물건을 샀는데, 배대지에 신청을 하려보니

카드결제 금액이 생각보다 많아서 다시 확인해봤더니

쉽핑 앤 핸들링이 추가 되었더라고요.

그래서 취소 메일 보냈더니 그건 어렵다고 해서ㅜㅜ

난 아마존프라인에 가입한적이 없는데...하면서 메일을 보내니..

보내는 사람이 다르게 답장이 왔어요~

보내는 사람이 다르니...
첫번째 편지This is Lia from Amazon Support.

I understand that you are confused why your Order ID: 002-1041746-9090663 will arrive too soon.

I have look into this for you and I can see that the shipping method you chose for the order is Two-Day Shipping.

I can also confirm that you haven\'t successfully signed up for Prime and so you are charged for the shipping and handling cost on this order.

However, I do sympathize with you that this distinction was unclear on our website at the time you placed your order. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

To make this right for you as you are not aware of this,I\'ve made an exception to our standard procedure.

We will be processing a refund for the shipping and handling cost on the order , once the order ship out.

Please understand that we need to wait for the items to ship out first.I verified with our fulfillment center and confirm you that your order has entered in shipping process and will be dispatch soon by today.

I will create a follow up on this order, so I can process a refund for you right away.I will be sending you an email once the refund was processed

I have confirmed that we still expect to ship your order in time to be delivered to you by Wednesday, November 11, 2015.

You can always check the most up-to-date status of your order in Your Account. Here\'s a direct link to the order details:


My sincere apologies for the time you have spent dealing with this issue.

Be assured that we are here to take care of any issue you\'ve encountered and we always endeavor to assist our valued customer like you with the best of our service and we\'ll continue working hard to ensure that we provide the quality support you expect from us.

On a personal level, I appreciate your patience, cooperation and understanding in this matter. It is our privilege to have you as our valued customer & we want to make sure you are always taken care of.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.
We\'d appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

Best regards,
Lia A.
두 번째로 온 편지

I\'m sorry for the concern this situation caused you. I completely understand that you want us to cancel your order.

I really tried to help, I tried to cancel your order for Lavazza Crema e Gusto Ground Coffee, but couldn\'t because it\'s already entered the shipping process.

Your shipment is expected to arrive by November 11, 2015. But don\'t worry, when the carrier attempts to deliver your shipment, you can:

* Advise the driver you are refusing the package if it is delivered while you\'re at home.
* Return it using our Online Returns Center (http://www.amazon.com/returns) if the package is delivered while you are not at home. The package will be returned to us, and we\'ll issue a full refund when we process the return.

It may take 3-5 business days to process your refund once your return has been received by our returns center. You\'ll receive an e-mail when the refund is processed.

I hope this solution works for you. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
We\'d appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.
Best regards,
Janice B.
Did I solve your problem?

이렇게 왔는데....
제가 취해야 하는 해야하는 것은 뭘까요??

걱정하지 말라~~하는 것 보니...
잘 될껏 같은데..
포기하고 자려고 누웠다가 벌떡 일어났네요.
내일 일찍 일어나야하는데...
도착하면 뭘 하라는 거죠??아마존 리턴센터에 들어가서?

그리고 제가 그 물건을 받기 위해 집에 꼭 있어야 하는 건가요?

그럼 몰텔에 뭐라고 애기해야 하는지요??

IP : 125.181.xxx.195
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. dd
    '15.11.11 12:41 AM (207.244.xxx.2) - 삭제된댓글

    원글님이 프라임 계정이 아닌데 2day 쉽핑을 선택하셨나보네요.
    2 데이는 프라임 계정 사용자만 무료거든요.
    그렇지만 아마존에서 원글님 상황을 이해해서 배송료를 받지 않겠대요.
    두번째 메일은 원글님이 주문 취소하겠다고 쓴 메일에 대한 답인데
    그것도 이해한다고, 취소하려면 우체국직원이 배달하는 그 순간에 뜯지말고 바로 돌려보내라고 하네요.

    그러나 원글님은 배대지로 배달시키는 것이니 우체국직원 기다렸다가 돌려보내는건 불가능 할테고
    이미 2데이 쉽핑이라 이틀내에 가겠지만, 배송료는 삭감해 주겠다고 하니
    그냥 받는게 낫겠어요.
    어차피 아마존이 배달료 안받겠다고 했으니까요.

  • 2. 네..
    '15.11.11 12:49 AM (125.181.xxx.195)

    감사합니다....잘 처리되서 다행이네요.
    공부했다 생각하고..그냥 잊으려했는데...
    그럼 첫번째 편지준 사람한테만 고맙다, 너의 메일을 기다리겠다. 내가 결제해야 하는 금액은 ^&&*이지??하고 확인메일 보내는 것이 낫겠네요?

  • 3. ㅇㅇ
    '15.11.11 12:56 AM (207.244.xxx.174) - 삭제된댓글

    굳이 답장 안해도 되지만, 원글님께 예외적으로 선처를 해 준 것이니, 고맙다는 말정도는 해가 되지 않겠죠?
    아마존이 일을 참 잘하네요.
    한국 직구족을 꽉 잡겠어요. ^^

  • 4. 네..
    '15.11.11 1:04 AM (125.181.xxx.195)

    감사해요..땡큐해주면 누구나 서로 좋은 것이니...너 때문에 넘 행복하다...하면서 오버해서 간단히 보냈네요.
    아마존 정말 대인배인듯...

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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