You are walking in a rain forest when you come across a deep narrow valley. The valley is 10 meters deep, and 20 meters wide, and several kilometers long. You have a 6meter ladder, a pair of scissors, a box of matches, a candle, an endless supply of rope, and several rocks. How do you cross the valley? Most people don’t solve the problem because they consider too many factors. They may try to in vent creative solutions us in g the ladder, the scissors, the candle, and the matches. But the puzzle states that you have an “endless supply of rope.”< So you only have to dump the rope in to the valley until it is filled up and you walk comfortably across.> Sometimes too much in formation in solv in g a problem makes it more difficult than just the b are essentials
단순한 해석은 알겠는데요< 밑줄 친 부분>요 계곡에 밧줄을 던지는걸로 어떻게 저렇게 깊고 넓은 계곡을 건널수있죠? 계곡이 채워질때까지 밧줄을 계곡으로 던진 뒤 건너가면 된다는데..
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