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이 영어답확인 부탁드려요~

djoalg 조회수 : 927
작성일 : 2014-11-10 16:00:12

At night, look up at the sky. How many stars do you see? If you live in the country, bright stars will fill the sky. If you live in a city, on the other hand, you might not see any stars. What’s happening? Bright lights from the city are lighting the sky, blocking the stars. This is light pollution.

Light can also come into city homes, like an uninvited guest. Sometimes, a visitor to a big city can’t sleep because of the bright, flashing sign outside his or her window. Darkness helps us sleep. Without darkness, we lie awake losing sleep. Losing sleep can lead to serious health problems because our immune systems become weak.

Nature’s beings need darkness. It’s part of the natural 24-hour cycle. Trees and plants that are too close to artificial light grow in strange ways and die quickly. Animals become confused when the normal pattern of light and dark are changed. For example, birds flying to their winter homes can get lost. Also, night animals might think it’s day when it’s actually night.

Finally, using too many lights wastes energy and money. The huge lights for all-night parking lots and gas stations are too bright and unnecessary. Every city spends millions of dollars a year to light its thousands of buildings and streets. And much of this lighting is just to make the city look attractive, rather than to provide a practical use.

True, we feel safer in the light. But our eyes are able to see a little in darkness.  And we don’t need to light the entire city just to create an attractive night view. We should try to turn the lights down to save all the Earth and its creatures from this pollution.



  Light pollution를 줄이기 위한 3가지 방법을 영어로 쓰시오. (문장으로)


문장에서 찾아쓰라하면 굳이 2개만 나오지 않나요?


1.And we don’t need to light the entire city just to create an attractive night view. 2. We should try to turn the lights down to save all the Earth and its creatures from this pollution. 이렇게요


이렇게요~ 3개라는데 다른 한 부분은 그 앞문장일까요?  our eyes are able to see a little in darkness. 이건 해결책이라기보단 '사실의 인정'이 아닌가싶어서요. 도시전체를 밝히진말고 불끄는걸하자는 해결방안이 맞지만 우리눈은 어둠에서도

약간은 볼수있다는 약간 이상한듯해서요.


아니면 그 윗문장들에서 The huge lights for all-night parking lots and gas stations are too bright and unnecessary. Every city shouldn't spends millions of dollars a year to light its thousands of buildings and streets. 이렇게 변형해봐야할까요?




IP : 211.105.xxx.154
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 이건
    '14.11.10 4:29 PM (203.11.xxx.82)

    창의력있게 써야 할거 같아요.

    First, we can reduce the number of lights for all-night parking lots and gas stations.
    Second, we can turn down the lights for buildings and streets if they are unnecessary.
    Third, we can regulate the number of neon signs near homes or turn out neon signs after midnight.

    이런 식으로요.

  • 2. 감사
    '14.11.10 5:28 PM (211.105.xxx.154)

    감사해요. 문장내에서 찾으라는데 두부분만 변형하면 될듯해서했는데.. 알려주신부분도 참고할께요

  • 3. 이건
    '14.11.10 5:35 PM (203.11.xxx.82)

    Light pollution 를 줄이기 위한 3 가지 방법을 영어로 쓰시오 . ( 문장으로)

    여기서 문장으로 쓰라는거는 걍 문장으로 서술하라는 거 같은데요...

  • 4. 감사
    '14.11.16 11:49 PM (211.105.xxx.154)

    감사해요 본문만 한정인지 알았네요 답변에 감사드려요~~~

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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